His first kill

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Age 4

"Hisashi, Dear! Think about this please! He doesn't have the joint, he's not confirmed quirkless!!"

Age 5

"I don't care Inko! That worthless brat can't carry on my legacy, if he's useless!".

"Please, Hisashi! He's just a late bloomer is all!"

Age 6


Now-Age 7 (Day after Izuku's Birthday)


"E X C U S E   M E"

Izuku could hear the yelling downstairs, and despite his best efforst he couldn't block it out. He was scared. He nervously questioned if his father would actually leave them, he mentioned it before, but he thought if he got a good, powerful quirk he'd stay....

Suddenly He heard his mother's quite stutter, almost like a whisper...

"H-Hisashi, I'm sorry I-"

Her apology was cut off by the stench of burning hair and the ragged screaming and sobbing of pain that  forcefully scraped out of her throat.  Izuku, bolted out of his bed and sprinted into the living room, hoping to lessen his poor kind mother's pain. But, when he made it there she was staring directly at him... And the retched, horrid, MONSTER that hurt her was gripping her by the hair and continuously yelling at her. 

Saying something abut not talking to him in such a way. But Izuku couldn't hear it, he couldn't hear anything other than the blood pounding in his ears and the slowly fading breaths of his mother. Then as if the bastard finally saw what he was doing he dropped her nearly dead body on the floor, and went into the kitchen to make himself a drink, most likely alcohol or beer.

 Leaving The woman gasping for air, sill in writing pain, on the carpeted floor. It seems during his rage the man did not notice Izuku's horrified gaze, just as he didn't notice the spark of rage and insanity on the  now 7-year-old's face. But, His mother did, She saw what he was thinking and in some of her last moments she pulled her baby boy into a hug and whispered sweetly into his ear, voice filled with malice  for the man and yet tender love for the boy she holds.

She whispers to him, "I will always love you dearest, but it seems I won't be with you very much longer," She looks to her son, and his eyes are filled with sadness, yet determination. "What do you want me to do mama?", He asks, but he knows what she wants she has the same insanity in her eyes.

"Izuku, dear Please I won't be here long, but you need to save me one last time. I need you to stop him... you know how my love, and remember, I'm always with you dear. And, I love you."  Before she closed her eyes for the last time she put a thin silver chain around Izuku's neck, He recognized it as the pendant he bought her for her birthday last year, It was shaped like a heart and was carved with the words, *We'll stay together forever, I love you Mom...*

524 word count

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