Foggy skies

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When His laughter calmed down, Izuku's eyes zoned in on the body. This is the second person he's killed, but it will be the first time he's hiding the body. For the bastard all he had to do was kill and run, simple. Sooooo, how was he going to do this? His thoughts circled until he had an epiphany. He had seen an old pottery studio, it looked abandoned and burning hair almost smell like cooking clay (he would know after all the times he smelt it) so-

Yup, it was perfect. But now a new problem, how was he going to get the body there. He looked around the alley trying to get an idea.

He then spotted something. It was a chopped off rat tail to most but to Izuku it was how he would get away with murder. He moved the man behind the dumpster, so he could get the materials for his plan. First he went to a local hardware store down the street, he wore his mask as usual but changed up his outfit from normal, so he wouldn't be recognized. Instead of his usual dark red and black hoodie, he wore a beanie, Izuku a dark green and baby yellow rabbit sweatshirt.

He entered the shop and picked out a saw, some scrubs, and some gloves. To throw odd suspicion he also grabbed some wood, spray paint, a child's dollhouse kit, and some wood glue and nails. When he got to the register he was tiredly greeted by a teen, who would clearly be anywhere else than where they were if they could.

The worker droned the required "did you find everything you needed" line and began scanning izuku's items. He didn't spare the items at a second glance which was a success in Izuku's book. The greenet meekly asked if he could spare a few extra bags. The worker sighed and nodded, putting a handful of the bags with izukus items. After, he bagged izuku's items and lazily wished him a good day.

But, Izuku was already out of the door. He made it to his alley and began working, donning the scrubs and gloves, before pulling the man out of behind the dumpster. Izuku made fast work of scavenging the man for change or valuables, then he pulled him inside the dumpster. It was Thursday so they were empty.

First thing first he removed the man's clothes. Next, he took out the saw and began to saw off the man's head. It made a grisly squelch and blood sprayed everywhere, covering the walls of the dumpster. After that, he sawed off the man's arms and legs, sawing off hands and feet separately. Then, he began cutting into the torso, and watching with grim wonder as the man's organs fell out of his stomach.

He stuck his hands into the slit in the man's stomach and began pulling out organs first the liver, then the small and big intestine, then the bladder and lungs. Finally, after all organs were out he took out the heart, gasping in wonder at the gore covered organ of life. He put the heart in a separate bag from the other organs and origins zed the limbs and torso slices. Finally, he put the head in another separate bag.

When he was done he put the bags in a spare duffle and took off the scrubs and disposable gloves. Leaving him in his green and yellow sweatshirt once again. He then set off onto the streets, on his merry way to an abandoned pottery studio with four bloody bags filled with a man's body parts.


The old studio smelt of a wicked concoction of clay, bleach, rat poison, and urine. A strange and extremely unpleasant smell that burnt his nostrils when inhaled. Izuku wandered around the area, examining the broken remains of pots that had been raided long ago. He looked for anything salvageable that he could try to sell or trade but only found some clumpy dried paint and a few broken paint brushes. Finally, he found what he had made the journey for' the kiln. The structure was large and could easily fit the average body of a child around izuku's age.

The surrounding room was humid as he warmed up the kiln. He began to take out the plastic bags after putting on some more gloves, but he stopped when looking at the heart from the man. The blood pumping super-organ was beautiful in all ways, from the gore and drive it was covered in to the mere thought of what it could accomplish. Izuku's eyes sparkled while gazing at the heart, he could almost imagine it; beating, pumping blood out of it in spurts, covering the walls in gore.

The kiln was now burning and the heat felt like it was melting the boys skin. He looked down at the heart once more before taking off his other backpack, and taking out the homemade formaldehyde ingredients, along with another large jar. He gently set it inside the mixture after it was made and wrapped it in the extra bags to protect it. The kiln was now roaring and Izuku was seated from eight feet away. He began to scoop the limbs and torso into the kiln and the familiar smell of burnt hair filled the room. He looked around the room and found a few old pieces of Tupperware, filed with clay bowls and cups.

Finally, he put all the organs- minus the heart into the tub with more formaldehyde mixture. After all, why would he burn items that could make him a pretty penny on the streets. He knew this due to the fact that once saw  half of a liver sell for over 100,000 yen. But with all the formaldehyde he used he definitely had to make a run to the store again.

His thoughts drifted to his alley and how he was out of a home once more, he sighed and was about to turn around before he facepalmed. He was literally in a gold mine for a homeless person! He had a roof, heat, and it was abandoned! On top of that, he hadn't seen anyone in the building or around it from when he saw it a few weeks before. He smiled to himself as the body finished burning. And his eyes filled with tears while his chest swelled with joy at the thought of having a proper home for the first time in what seemed like forever. He put his bags into a corner and moved the tub of body parts into a corner away from the rest of the empty tubs.

He took out the finger and heart, each in their respective jars and put them on a nearby shelf. He then put an extra hoodie around him like a blanket and put his bag under his head as a pillow. Finally, he let his mind drift into the land of dreams and subconscious thought, until he was deep asleep. Yes, this was a good day, hopefully one of many. Everything was good that night, and he slept peacefully after a good week.

But you can only have so much good till danger comes. After all,

It's the calm before the storm.

(AN-1210 Words. So glad I could get this out early! I really should draft more huh. Lol N-E-way, I'm going on spring break soon, but I might also go to a school during that time. So, the updates might be longer or faster- Or they won't. Thank you for reading, and have an amazing day! Remember to only drink bleach on Tuesdays and don't get addicted to pornography!)

Sadist with masochist tendencies (Scientist Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now