Forgotten parts

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The bright morning sunbeams woke Izuku from his slumber. It was cold but, after years of abuse and cold nights, because his father didn't pay the heating bill, he was unbothered. He crawled out of the small cubby he made the night before. Then, he began to make sure he had all of his essentials still.

Okay, Food, water, medicine, medical supplies, clothes, money, knife, bloody finger, and a picture of his beloved mother. Oh, how he wished she was still alive with her smile that would brighten a room and her laugh like bells and- Wait, what the fuck, a bloody detached finger?!Yup, sure enough, at the bottom of his backpack was a finger covered in blood. He picked up the Appendage by the knuckle and observed the cut marks where it was detached. It looks like it was from a female based on the size and delicacy.

He looked back into the bag for more clues, and magically at the bottom of the bag, behind the medical supplies, a wedding ring appeared. His dead Mothers, wedding ring, to be exact.Wait, if that's his mother's ring, does that mean- He dropped the finger in a hurry scurrying backward away from the finger.

"What the hell, what the hell, what the hell, what the hell?!"' Why didn't he remember that? Why did he forget? And most importantly, why did I take her finger, instead of just her ring?'His thoughts spiraled into theories and speculations. But, after a while of wandering around his mind aimlessly, he chose not to dwell on the subject longer. Less, he loses the rest of his mind. Besides, trying to think back to the experience hurt his head, and he didn't want to take medicine to fix that.

He gently set the finger into a bag with the ring. He then grabbed one of the granola bars he stashed and ate a third of the snack. Most would consider this too little for a boy his age to eat. But, considering the house, he came from and how much he was used to eating. The amount he ate was as luxurious as a 4-star hotel. He then sipped on some water before standing up and moving the large dumpster back where it belonged. He considered making this his home for a while but decided against it. After all, he could be, found easily.

It was best to leave the area and begin his day. The cold has lessened after the finger incident, but it was still blistering cold to the boy. And while others would complain and be scared of how they would live in such conditions Izuku instead, pulled out an oversized hoodie and pulled up the hood. Also, he put on a medical mask, you could never be too cautious. He made his way into the empty streets.

They were quite peaceful, but the time would be soon to when stores would open, And Izuku had neglected to remember Something very important. It was Saturday. And soon the streets would flood with children and teens happy to enjoy their days off. The cement pathways would be filled to the brim of stampeding children and young adults of all ages looking to enjoy their weekend. And the stores Izuku hopped to go to buy more essentials would be packed with customers and workers. And the cold would not deter these people, now in fact it stirred more to come. More to prepare for the "Winter Holidays", as you would say.

Izuku was terrified, more people meant more chances for him to be caught. He thought of instead skipping today and going back to the alley, risking the chance of a hero or police to find him but lessening the chance of being seen by noisy civilians. He didn't think he could deal with all the pushing and shoving of the streets after being touch starved for so long. But, he powered through, 'If I don't learn how to survive now, ill be at terrible risk of getting myself killed before can live out the life my mother wanted me to.'

He began to brainstorm things he could do today. Shopping was already out of the question, he wouldn't be able to shop until the news of his disappearance had gone down. But, he couldn't start walking to the next town, else he wears himself out too fast. And passing out in the middle of a busy street was not ideal. He was stumped on what to do, he had already made up his mind about not going back to the alley, so what was he to do? Suddenly a shine in the corner of his eye caught his attention, it was a watch belonging to a man reeking of wealth, Possibly a hero based on his muscular frame, and reptilian scales. That might he saw was very reminiscent of the pro hero "Liza.".

Suddenly the off-duty pro's eyes shot to the boy giving off a violent and irritating aura. Had he been staring too long? But, as a hero, he should smile, shouldn't he? Especially in the public eye, even if he's not on the job. Izuku continued on his walk instead of dwelling on the hero. But, the hero woke up that day and choose violence because the next words out of his mouth decided what Izuku would do today. "Filthy, homeless bum. Why do we have to deal with these leaches? They'd be better off dead" The man sneered and mumbled under his breath, spitting out words of acid hate.

Izuku was taken aback, but he was also mad. How dare this fake hero insult him, he was a fucking kid, and yet this man pretty much says he'd be better off dead?! Izuku Decided that maybe the fake heroes should be punished for their actions, after all, do we all have to atone for our sins in some form? He knew he couldn't kill this man in broad daylight or hurt him in any way, but maybe he could do something that would benefit him and hurt the hero? The greenet glanced at the golden watch on the man's wrist before an idea came to mind.

When he was still with his dad, sometimes he would have to sneak money from the man's pockets to pay for food and buy things for the house. And after years of doing the dangerous act, he now had nimble fingers, and he was sure he could pickpocket anyone. So he took a deep breath and walked closer to the hero, his heart beating wildly. He slowed down when he was slightly behind him, and without the man noticing he slipped a wallet, ID, and the watch off of the man's person.

And with his new prizes, Izuku casually walked away from his first victim on the streets. He realized how euphoric the adrenalin rushing through his veins was and decided what he would be doing today. For the rest of the morning, his nimble hands swiped valuables from those who were undeserving of such items. Such as those who were cruel or rude.  He would say today was successful as he rested in a new alley behind a dumpster as before.

1194 Words

(AN- Sorry I'm a little late, I was trying to make this one a little longer.)

Sadist with masochist tendencies (Scientist Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now