Sorry this took so long(un edited)

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Hitasobofu walked down the lonesome street. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon, and so she was making her way to the open shop. It was her busiest day after all. She made her way to the door but stopped for a split second.

There was yelling outside.


There was a man across the street, yelling at what seemed to be his wife. She was holding a baby and crying while another woman escorted her away. She seemed to be comforting her quietly, "It's okay Hun, he won't hurt you any longer."


He began to grow fur and scales across his face and reached into his jacket.

Hitasobofu saw the scene escalate and rushed to unlock the door, but before she could take refuge in her shop, the gun was already out.

The women began to scream and yell, but Hitasobofu was the only one around. No one would hear their screams.

Just as no one would hear her own.

Her efforts to open the door increased.

The man began to yell again.

The women began to run.





Four shots rang through the empty street.

Keys jangled as they hit the ground, singing like bells at Hitasobofu's funeral.

Her Grey shirt began to stain red.

She was pronounced dead from blood loss at 8:21 am.


Izuku was walking through a local park with Toga when it happened.

They were trying to find a nice place to relax before his shift. It was Saturday, after all, the busiest day of the week.

But they were still busy even though they were relaxing. They were talking about selling the organs Izuku- I mean the Joker, had obtained over the few people he's killed. But before they could come to a conclusion on how to sell their 'special merchandise'- Suddenly, Gunshots echoed through the morning. If people weren't awoken they were now.

Toga had brushed it off as gunshots were common in their area. But Izuku, on the other hand, couldn't shake the feeling something was 'wrong'.

His suspicions were proved correct when a frightened man sprinted past them, almost knocking them over.

Toga, noticing the man almost hurt her little brother, caught up to the criminal. Then she threw him onto the ground and sliced open his cheek. Seeing as he was cornered and in a dangerous situation, the man began to shake and wildly look for an exit. He tried to make a break for it, but Izuku saw the opening and tripped the man before he could run away. The man was pleading now, seeing as he couldn't run away, and had just realized who he had run into.

"I-I didn't mean to, it was an accident! OH, god, you have to believe me! I was just trying to scare them, I-I didn't mean to hurt nobody! Especially that little old lady! Please i'll never do it again just let me go, please!"

Izuku's head shot up in attention, "Wait, old lady?"

The man didn't see he was making his situation worse and stuttered out, "Y-Yeah, her name was It-something? I- I can show you if you want?"

But before he could bargain his way out of punishment, Izuku had stolen his gun and knocked him unconscious. Toga saw how serious her little bro was and helped tie the man up and hide him in a small bush. But, before she could ask what was wrong, he was sprinting away. Quickly making his way to the grain shop.

He began to walk faster through the alleyways and roads, slowly shifting into a fast-paced jog, then a run.

He was sprinting now, and despite being taller and more fit, Toga could hardly keep up with his pace. He said to a stop in front of the store, seeing only two corpses, neither of which were gran. He began to shout for Her.

It was 7:23 am.


His head whipped to the location of the voice, seeing Gran or as her name tag wrote, Hitasobofu, laying in a pool of her own blood. He ran to her, partially hearing Toga painting behind him and gasping when seeing Gran. Her usual smile was twisted into a painful grimace, and she was losing blood fast.

Izuku- or Maigo in this situation- ran to the motherly figure he had only known for so long and yet was his only constant happiness. His shoulder leaned off and cried when the toga was gone. He began to put pressure on her gunshot, whispering reassurances to the bleeding out woman, "shh shhh it's okay, you'll be alright. We'll get you to a hospital and- and... You're not going to make it a-are you?"

Tears were already streaming down his solemn face, he had already accepted the death of another mother.

"Cough- it's alright Maigo, you'll be alright." She reached into her pocket and pulled out her wallet, full of yen. " I was saving this for our shopping trip... but i don't think I'll get to see it."

"NO GRAN YOU Can't- y-you can't leave me, please..."

Toga had moved to kneel next to him while he was crying and embraced him in a hug full of sorrow and a great depression.


The sirens came

Gran looked up weakly at the source of the sound and frowned, "they'll see you toga they'll think you did it...."

Toga head shot up at the dying woman,"H-how?"

Gran simply smiled and sat up, a spurt of blood leaving her body in the process. "URG-"

She reached into her pockets and took out a pair of keys. Then in her last breath she spoke, "I want you to know- Cough- you're the best thing that's happened to me in a long while. Please, take care of the shop, yeah? I love you two, and-"

Her hand went limp.

When Naomasa and Earaserhead got to the scene they found 3 dead bodies, and the tied up, mangled corpse of one Mole Kamusa. Along with the mangled body, was a note written 'Killer' in purple sparkly marker.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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