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It was dark. Why was it dark, why couldn't he see anything, why did he feel scared. There was nothing to be scared of, right? Why was he cold, why did he hear whispering, now the whispering was getting louder. He doesn't want it to get close, he wants it to stay away. Say away, stay away, stay away. Don't come any closer, please. Please I don't want to hear them, I don't want to, no no no no no.


The whispers merged, they were one voice now. The voice hurt his ears, why did it hurt. Make it stop hurting please.

"Ugh, be quiet. You're too loud"

The voices measured out until they formed a deep gravelly sound, it was annoyed. He annoyed the voice, it was going to hurt him-

"No you idiot i'm not, unless you want me too."

"W-What?" Why did his voice sound so echo-y? Why couldn't he see the gravelly voice, where was it coming from? "Oh, guess I forgot you couldn't see still haha!" Suddenly the darkness retreated, it was still dark, but now it felt less empty. Now he could see the person talking to him. It looked like, H-Him? Yes, it looked like an exact replica of him, but the eyes were *off* as if they didn't have all their screws tight end. "Who are you? Where am I? What do you want from me? Why do you look like me?" the duplicate waved his finger in his face as a wicked and sarcastic grin stretched across its face, "Tut-Tut. One question at a time now". Izuku was stupefied. What the heck was going on?!

"Tch, I see you can't even connect simple sentences right now, can you? Oh well, I guess I'll just tell you!" The duplicates smile widened as if he was waiting for his monologue moment.

"Your In your mind right now! Your deep subconscious to be specific, and I want to talk to you about something! As for those last questions, it's because drum roll please ...." Suddenly drums were heard all around, perfectly imitating an iconic drum roll. Izuku still didn't know what was going on but decided to roll with it, if what the clone said was true he was in his subconscious. Therefore, the other Izuku couldn't do anything to him.

"I am you! I know crazy right?!", His smile turned sinister. "No, it's not, is it? Do you remember that little voice Izuku? The little voice in the back of your head? I bet you were probably wondering where I was right?! You were probably so lonely without me."

Actually no, Izuku had completely forgotten about the voice, he didn't even think about it after the first time it happened, thinking it was just because of his almost panic attack. So he told it just that, "Not really, I had actually forgotten about your existence"

The clone's smile became strained, "w h a t". "Yeah I haven't heard from you in about four weeks what did you expect?" He was suddenly slammed against a wall, his head spinning as the air was somehow knocked out of him. The clone growled, and its voice began to separate into the whispers again. "You may think you are in control, but I will always be more powerful than you, I control you. And until you give into the fact that we are one I will force you to kill everything you've ever loved. I am your madness, the part inside you that doesn't try to uselessly deny the fact that you are Just. Like. Your father."

"No! I am not him, I will never be him!" The Clone only cackled "You have his blood, face, and sadistic tendencies. What more do you need"? Suddenly the room began to darken once more, as if a fog was settling. "Oh, looks like someone's waking up huh? Well just know I'll be around more often. And We will not be forgettable"


Izuku wakes up for real this time to see everything the way he had left it, not a hair out of place. He stretches and listens to the satisfying pop of his bones. He sighed and put the hoodie he used as a blanket into his bag, 

"Well that was weird.... Oh, well. Good morning time to start the day"!

(AN- 770 words! Me trying to force myself to write faster- C-c-c-common c-c-c-common go go! Lol, my trackpad for my Chromebook just said no, so now I have to use a shitty ass mouse. :') Any way I'm already working on the next chapter so expect it soon! Remember to only drink bleach on Tuesdays, and don't get addicted to pornography!)

Sadist with masochist tendencies (Scientist Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now