Ever heard of up dog?

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"Okay, I'll work for you."

~~~ Hitasobofu Fushuiya was a kind spirit, her smile could melt the coldest of hearts, and she was a helpful heroine in her younger days. She was a healing hero to be exact, she worked alongside Recovery Girl, with her miraculous medical knowledge and quirk that turned fat cells into magical healing ointments that could heal a person in seconds. But, after years of work she retired after a horrendous accident involving a saw quirk, her daughter, and the number 2 hero. So, after retiring she opened a very small grocery/ market store that sold her homemade coffee as she worked to convert it into an entire café.

And despite not being as young as she used to be and having bad eyesight; when she had seen a boy who looked underweight come into her store she knew something was not right. His eyes were full of trauma and sadness, his left hand was discolored pink, and to top it all off, there was dried blood under his nails. If it was his she did not care, for she could feel it in her heart that this boy needed help.

So what if she acted a little more frail in front of him to try to get him a job? It wasn't a crime unless you counted child labor, and who would believe small old Hitasobofu was doing such a thing to such a sweet child? No, not in a million years. Plus, who could even deny the sweet and polite boy a job, his smile was dared she said, sweeter and brighter than her own. Plus, he was just so kind despite not knowing her and who she was in her teen years. Yes the dark times in her life where blood glistened in the night and fell onto her white dress and mirror mask and her used to be black hair in a tight bun-

But enough on that, back to the boy. As she was saying, who was she to deny him something he clearly needed. So, when he took the job she was overjoyed and visible restraining herself from jumping with joy.

—This time skip was brought to you by Dark lofi Hip Hop Radio 24/7-Izuku's POV- Third

At first, it was a small issue, a minor thing that could be ignored and brushed off like a mosquito or fly. But it soon became a tremendous problem; He needed the adrenalin. The rush that made him feel alive, that was better than any energy drink imaginable. He had to have it. Because before he knew it he was stealing things he didn't even need from rich folk; watches, phones, whole wallets, yarn, anything. He had a hoard in his home now, full of things that wouldn't even sell for a penny. Oh selling, what was he going to do with those body parts, he was getting tired of buying ice these days.

"Then just throw them away you nincompoop!" Whoop-de-fuckin-do the voice was back, and it was salty and more pissed off that usual due to the cold climate of September. He walked into Gran's shop with the voice yapping in his ear 

about how much of a dumbass he was.

But then the voice went too far.

"The old lady doesn't really care about you and only pretends to get something from you, such as the labor you've been doing for free on days she 'didn't' have money to pay you." Izuku flinched at its ice-cold tone. It knew Gran was Izuku's weak spot, his Achilles heel. She was the first person to show him kindness, sue him if he got attached. "That attachment is going to get us killed", it stressed the killed part as if it cared what happened to Izuku.

He walked into Grans shop to begin his shift, grabbing some free coffee in the process. Bless her soul for providing the life juice that is coffee. Without her Izuku would have never learned of the rejuvenating bean water that gave him will to live.

His shift passed quickly, moving boxes and stocking shelves only lasted so long with the little amount of customers they got. But as he went to take his break, another problem arose from the depths of his mind. Boredom. NO matter how much he tried, the nagging boredom after every shift never went away. It was probably because of his reliant behavior on the adrenalin form pickpocketing. So he sat down and sighed as he tried to re-read the same magazine to cure the dullness in his brain.

Apparently his sigh was too loud because next thing he knew gran was sitting next to him with a bag and eating a pop tart. She handed him one and revealed what was in the bag. Inside there were knitting materials and crochet needles. What, you expect an old lady to not carry some yarn and needles around with her? Izuku's curious eyes followed her every movement as she began crocheting a scarf for her niece, not that he knew that. He watched, entranced as the small needle and yarn began to make clothing. It was like magic, or a quirk. Gran smirked from the corner of his eye and he turned around blushing.

Wordlessly she pulled out an extra ball of yarn and a beautiful iron needle embedded with blue gems and shaped into a swan. It was magnificent. She handed him the needle, and he began to copy the movements he saw her do earlier, shakily creating a slip knot, before beginning to crochet a scarf as well.

The voice was quiet, as if it was sucked into the peaceful scene between an old lady and the child that was as close to the grandchild she always wanted.

Yes it was a sweet sight, but all things must end. As Izuku's stolen watch began to beep, signalling the end of his shift, he began cleaning up and tried to give Gran her needle and newly made scarf back. But, she only pushed it away and smiled, "You might need to practice after all". And with that she sent him on his way with a bag of new wooden crocheting needles, and some metal knitting ones as well. Not knowing in the slightest that such utensils would be used for something much more sinister than crocheting and knitting at a later time. But for now everything is as well as it should be in the world of Hitasobofu Fushuiya.

(AN- 1077 Words- Whelp i lied about the 3 weeks thing but whatever. HAPPY TUESDAY TIME TO DRINK THAT BLEACH, Yall rember not to get addicted to porn tho-  and Have a fantabulous day my little parasites <3)

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