Blonde and Blood

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Toga watched as the frail boy, dragged a 254lb (115.21 kg) man without being noticed. How he did so? No idea. Now how did we get here? Let's rewind a bit to this afternoon.


"Hm Hm hm Hmmmmmmmm~", 14-year-old Toga Himiko, peacefully sang as she skipped around the red-light district, her log blond locks flowing behind her. In one hand she held a knife, in the other a bird covered in its own blood, slightly twitching. It was gruesome to most, but in the red district it was normal to see the girl, she was feared, even though she looked innocent and cute. She had been the final sight to many small animals and locals learned to stay clear of her, and warned others to follow  lead, especially children.

But back to the present, Toga rounded a corner to see a frail boy around her age quickly and quietly swiping the wealth of others. And despite the rustling of the plastic bag he held, no one noticed their valuables being taken. She smiled- well more like grinned ferally, at the boys shrinking figure as he walked away as if he did nothing. She giggled and began her favorite game, 'Cat and Mouse'.

~This timeskip is brought to you by monster energy drink! The only thing keeping me alive.!~

She had followed the boy as he walked around the city, only stopping his adventures to go home and change outfits. (Of course she looked away for that, she's crazy not a pervert.) Now in a dark green and baby yellow sweat shirt with a hood that looked sewn on, and finally a beanie, the boy was off.

She watched as he walked in alleys and eavesdropped on conversations, most about black market deals and drugs. Was he a druggie? At his age? Nah, probably not. She almost tripped on a can when he suddenly stopped walking. He flipped on his hood and then sprinted at a wall, sprinting up it and landing on the roof with a front flip. He chuckled, "Heh, that was awesome. Good thing I've always been able to learn by watching others".

Toga held in a gasp, she wasn't an amature after all. The boys voice was so C U T E it just made her want to cut him up in tiny pieces and save them forever in a necklace or something. But then something strange happened, a scream. In the far distance there was a cry for help, a female based on the voice. The boys head whipped that way, and the moon illuminated something that would stick with toga forever. The boys smile was beautiful, it was filled with bloodlust and sadistic desire, along with hatred, spite, and pure Insanity. It was like a switch from the timid frail boy she saw pick pocketing rich bimbos.

Then as fast as it came it was gone, replaced by confusion and fear. The boy looked left and right and began whispering to himself, "What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. What was that?!" He switched again. "It was me you idiot, Hehe. Did I forget to mention since I am part of you... I can take control too? Heheheh. Just like your father eh Izuku? How would mother feel~".

The boy growled something deep and guttural, his left hand began twitching and his eyes held the same hate as before, but his voice was weak and sad yet held an anger. "H-How the hell a-are you talk-talking out of my mouth?!" Was it the anger he was holding back perhaps? " N-No! Stop it! I'm not like him! I-I-" Dammit she missed what he replied to. The other of him replied, "Heh your right your father wouldn't go out looking for people to kill as 'self-defense' in the middle of the night. He's not as dumb as you.~"

The boy quickly took out a knife, "Try me, test me I dare you", he held it at his wrist. Toga was practically clueless at what this interaction was, but she loved a good puzzle she could tear apart. A scream cut everyone thoughts off, making the boy point the knife to the sound and prepare to roof jump. The other of him spoke, "Then don't be him, Be the fucking hero, show me your not him. But remember not everything is black and white. Kill them, maybe you'll even enjoy it, embrace it. I did."

Sadist with masochist tendencies (Scientist Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now