Wouldn't you like to know whether boy?

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The greenett acted unfazed by the strange dream but on the inside he's freaking out. 'I want pop tarts', or maybe not. Maybe he's just a FUCKING idiot who can't understand the fact he was just threatened by his subconscious, and now he is becoming his father. Let's try that inside thing again yeah? 'Wait if he was me why does he look shadow-y? Am I really that pale?'Suddenly a second voice rang in his mind.

'Well yeah, you wear hoodies all the freaking time and when you don't it's nighttime.' The voice did have valid points, but the fact Izuku heard a random voice that sounded like it was right next to him while he was changing clothes, was a little startling."What the fuck?! Don't scare me like that!",

"Or what will you hit me with? How, I'm in your head brainiac"

"Ugh, so it wasn't just a dream, and now I have to deal with another thing making my life miserable", A sarcastic 'Yup' was all he answered.

He decided to go to see Gran to stock up on all the formaldehyde he had been using. Or well the ingredients for it. If Gran sold formaldehyde, it would make his life much easier.

He began to leave, before he reconsidered. What would he do to hide his stuff if someone did come into his shelter?It's not like he had a dumpster anymore. "Just hide it in some vent dumbass. It's easy, quick and who the hell would look there?" huh, looks like the voice may actually be of help."Not really, I just don't want the organs getting stolen."

"Wow, thanks, he did as the voice told anyway.Using a chair to get to the vents and a spare rock to screw and unscrew the bolts on it. When he finished, he finally walked out of the studio he was calling his home and quietly made his way to Grans shop, pickpocketing some folks on the way there, for some spare cash.

But as he walked into the store, he couldn't find Gran anywhere.And that was rare, considering she was the only worker in the entire store. As he walked around, he eventually heard distant talking. It was coming from the employees room. As he got closer, he heard a personal conversation he probably wasn't supposed to. It went as the following...

"No hun, I'm always here for you dear."

"Of course you can! I have enough lying around to lend you darling."


"Oh no dear I'll be fine I'm not as frail as I look, plus these old bones still have some life in em"

"Oh no dear I'll be fine I'm not as frail as I look, plus these ancient bones still have some life." He quickly got away from it and pretended to be waiting at the counter. As she walked out, she directly apologized to Izuku sensing as he looked as if he'd been waiting a long while. But he dismissed her apology and told her all was well. He subsequently began his usual grocery run grabbing non-perishables, med kits, medicine, stationery items and his formaldehyde ingredients. But before he went to checkout he caught a glimpse of something that captured his eye; zip ties. He went to purchase some but saw there was none left in the box. So instead of suffering in silence he politely asks the old woman if there was anymore in the back. "Excuse me Gran, is there any more zip ties in the back"? Her gaze meets his, and, if she smiles sweetly, "Of course dear, let me get them." She began walking to the storage area in the back and moved her hand in a 'follow me' motion as she left. Izuku quickly scrambled to follow her, observing the boxes around him as he walked.She stopped in front of a box that looked identical to the others surrounding it, so how she found it was purely magic.

She began to lift the box but stumbled and began to wobble, Izuku ran to her side and took the box while stabilizing her. "Oh, dear me, guess I'm not as strong as I used to be." Though her face still smiled, her tone was somber and disappointed. She was obviously upset she was aging, despite the inevitability of it.

Izuku tried to lift her spirits by taking her mind off it, "That's okay Gran, I guess that's why I can help you". Suddenly a light bulb had gone off over The old woman's head, "Oh! Well you might be correct dear. Say, what do you think about helping me out around here from time to time? I don't have much, but I could pay you if you want?", Izuku thought over the offer. On one hand it would be a great alternative to pickpocketing, but he would lose that adrenaline he had learned to love, and if he had to move too far away he wouldn't be able to come into work.

He considered the pros and cons, and finally made his decision.

"Okay, I'll work for you."

(AN-834 words. Ugh this chapter was supposed to be a day after last update, but my brain literally said fuq u and refused to give me the will to live or write even though 7/8 was pre written already... Anywhooo i have all the next 2-4 chapters planned, so it won't take 3 weeks for an update next time. Also, my mom decided to procrastinate and not send me to a mental hospital cause the slight chance the people will be assholes who I can deal with or murder. Which will probably happen if I go there sooo- Ahem- N E way hope you enjoy the chapter, remember to only drink bleach on Tuesdays and don't get addicted to pornography!)

Sadist with masochist tendencies (Scientist Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now