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Izuku skipped up the hero, a small rag in his left hand, and a sharpened knitting needle in the other. He pried open the hero's mouth and before he could scream, and then tied the gag to muffle his screams. "Mhm Mhmmm my Mumming mml mu mrts' ', he started yelling into the gag and thrashing around in the tightly tied rope. The blond haired girl giggled, "Awwwww look grienie i think mr hewwo tryna say something! Common boy, tell me what it is?!" She crazilly talked to the man like a dog and Izuku had to hold back his laughs.

And this surprised Izuku, because he was ENJOYING his, mocking and tormenting a hero. He thought back to the voice and its words before fading out of his mind for the day. "Embrace it, I did." Should he listen to the voice, maybe it was like his subconscious? He decided to push the thoughts away and have fun for the time being. He stopped holding back his giggles and for a moment, a brief glimpse embraced the insanity. He loved it, the feeling of uncontrolled insane being that made him feel euphoric and they were just getting started.

He reeled in the insane giggles and took back his mind, becoming cold and calculating by every second.

Then he realized something...

"Huh?! Greenie?!"

Toga giggled and tilted her head like a cat, "Well yeah silly, i don't know your name," She tapped her chin "Well come to think of it, you don't know mine either huh? In that case, Hi! IM toga But you can call me Himiko" She smiled cheekily as the young boy in front of her blushed at calling someone by something other than their family name.

He looked at the hero and, like a mind reader, Himiko knew what he was worrying about. "It doesn't matter if he hears you, he's gonna die anyway!" Okay, she said that way to chipper, but it seemed to calm the greeted haired boy down some. He spared the hero another glaze before bowing politely and saying in a raspy, broken, and emotionless voice, "Izuku '' Then he smiled sweetly at oga and she knew at that moment that she would kill anyone who hurt her tiny green bean.

Himiko shook herself out of those thoughts and squeezed the child in a tight hug, "Nice to meet you, my new partner in crime, Izuku!"

Izuku smiled even brighter like a million suns, but something sinister lurked beneath as he looked back to the hero, "Now then, how should we have our fun?"

He looked at where Himiko was to see her spot empty, and her now rummaging through a toolbox, that he seemed to miss while scoping his base out. He'd have to be more observant in the future. She stopped rummaging and pulled out a large, rusty hammer. She looked over at him and smiled sinisterly.

They walked slowly to the hero and she handed him the hammer. But, as he raised it to kill the hero... She stopped him.

He tilted his head, slightly irritated someone denied the adrenalin he was about to get from murdering the hero. She squinted her eyes at him and got closer to him, "You've never tourtured someone ,have you?"

He shook his head and thought about how much more fun it would be than simply murdering, but he didn't know how to torture someone without them bleeding out immediately.

He voiced his concerns and toga brightened up like a million suns, "Then I'll teach you!!"

She stood up and motioned for him to sit down. He did so as she took out a marker from nowhere and some fake glasses, funnily enough they were spiral lens glasses. She then wroe on he agravated heros forehead, 'Torture 101'

And he grabbed Izuku by the arm, holding him next to her and began speaking, "Now, first lesson! Anatomy! After all, woulden want your victim bleeding out too early would a?"

Sadist with masochist tendencies (Scientist Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now