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(AN- It's been a few weeks since the last chapter, and I was on three sodas, two coffees and half a monster writing this so)

Izuku sprinted past his alley, he was being chased by someone who caught him pickpocketing. He had gotten careless that day; his mind wasn't on the task at hand. Instead, he was thinking about Gran and what to get the sweet lady for her 68th birthday. And due to this he unconsciously dropped the wallet he was stealing, catching the notice of the wealthy woman. As the blonde pursued him, he was suddenly yanked into an alley. He tried to yell, but there was a hand over his mouth, so he evened out his breathing as the lady passed them like the unnatural blond she is. Whoever grabbed him smelt like oregano and fresh tomatoes with a hint of overripe mushrooms. When Soccer-mom.exe was no longer in sight Izuku bit down on the hand of his captor.

A string of curses flew out of the now identified as male's mouth.

Izuku ran away again, not wasting a glance at his creepy-savior. But instead of getting away and being able to go back to his alley and then spend the rest of his day talking to Gran, Izuku likes the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Mary Poppins he is, he tripped.


He truly was a prodigy.

Next thing he knew he was back in an alley with the same stranger, this time though there was no hand on his mouth. The man sounded out of breath, and he was panting hard, "Huf, Huf. God, you run fast kid." Izuku didn't have time for small talk,"Thanks for saving me from Facebook anti-vax Karen, and all that, but what do you want from me, and why do you keep hounding me?" He interrogated the man with a stern voice, but apparently whatever he as-ked was funny. Because the following thing he knew, the man burst out laughing. This man was full-blown hysterically cackling like he just heard the funniest joke in his entire life. Finally, he calmed down. Wait, no he didn't, he just started laughing once more.

POV Change~~~~

Jk Back to Zuku ~~~~

The green-haired boy blankly observed as the male heaved over laughing like a madman. 'Well, he probably is mad, like Cheshire said -. We're all mad here' When he was finally done, the man stood back up again. "S-Sorry kid." Izuku was so done, all he desired to do was go to his alley. Then, let his manners to people other than Gran deteriorate and dissolve to make room for new cuss words he learned on the street.

The man eventually straightened himself and introduced himself as one Ryker Jones. An Italian restaurant owner from the block Izuku was running down previously.

'Well, that explains the oregano and overripe mushroom aroma,' Izuku thought.

He explained he'd chased Izuku because he saw him running away. He also recognized him as the child; he had been observing pickpocket others.

And even told Izuku something he was unaware of. Apparently, his pickpocketing habits had become exceedingly popular in towns all around, that Izuku had his own folktale now. "Yeah, I even overheard a wealthy man tell his kids not to be greedy. The shadows steal all of their money and leave them broke." Ryker explained in an amused tone.

Ironically, even though Ryker owned an Italian restaurant that served Italian food, he said he was of German and American lineage. In fact, there was not an ounce of any Italian blood in him at all. Or Japanese for that manner.

Izuku expected the man to be a hero lover because of his savior complex and habit of pulling people in danger into alleyways. But, in fact that was completely wrong. Ryker saw the world quite like himself, he saw the bad and good in mankind and listened to both sides.

He had politely offered Izuku a meal for startling him, but Izuku declined. Making up an excuse on the spot, he said, "I've already eaten today thank you for the offer, though." It is at this spectacular point in time that his stomach decides to growl. Ryker chuckles, "Well, someone disagrees with that statement huh? Come on kid, it's the least I can do for scaring you and then chasing you while actin' like a Creep." Izuku sighed reluctantly and followed Ryker to his restaurant, named Aròma-frèsca (AN-this is an actual Italian restaurant in Japan I found on Google lol). The food was not surprisingly delicious, considering Izuku had ingested nothing but granola bars and canned foods for the past three weeks.

~~This time skip is brought to you by Nord VPN; the best VPN~~

After eating at Ryker's, Izuku inevitably goes to his alley only to encounter someone frantically trying to snatch his things.He turns around and tells Izuku in a slurred drunken speech, "Get lost brat, I found this place first. So scram before I flog you bloody.". He begins rummaging once more. Izuku calmly with a hint of aggressiveness explained to the man."Oh but sir I don't think you understand. If you do not leave this alley, it is you who will be injured, Not I." The man began feeling angry. He was clearly drunk and swaying.

He stupidly took a left swing at Izuku's face, knocking him down. Furthermore, he then seized a bottle to try to knock him out. The man was feral, but Izuku was a fast learner and had picked up a few things from the streets. Izuku sprints around him, jumps on the dude's back, and begins to strangle him with some cloth from the ground. The man frantically began scratching at Izuku's hands, trying to stop the rope from suffocating him. Long deep scratches began to appear on Izuku's hands and arms. The man's efforts were futile though because while Izuku was small and young, he was equally determined. On top of that, moving dumpsters every night to sleep had provided him with some slight muscle.

Soon the man began to scratch and thrash around less and next thing he knew the man was on the floor. Tears streaming down his face as little by little oxygen stopped making its way to his brain. Slowly and painfully shutting down his body. Izuku sat on the man's back and gripped the cloth harder, pulling back until an echoing snap was heard through the alley. The stranger was dead. His heart now silent and the blood in his body cooling.

For some reason the greanet found some sick satisfaction in hurting someone who wronged him. It was if he was dealing with justice in a place no hero could ever imagine completing. "Heh, at least there's less evil in the world now", His voice was filled with malice and humor at the death of another. His laughter increased as he thought of an old saying. "If you kill a murder, there's still the same number of killers in the world."

But it seems whoever said that didn't think of something. If there's still the same number of killers...

"̸̱̻̜̭̒̾͘K̶̀͘ͅi̵̢̲̙̭̥͑̃͆ͅl̵̢̙̮̗͖̆͒̓͒͠l̴͍͔̼̰̆ ̴̡̘̬̣̗́T̸̙̝͒͛͝w̶̺͖̖̗̩̑̊̓o̵͓̱̳͌͒͊̓̍͝"̴̘̱̲̳̣̪͌͐̀͆͝

(AN- 1234-(NICE) words. Sorry the updates have been off schedule, I'm working a lot on a school project that includes writing, so I haven't had as much free time. And for those who the Zalgo font doesn't work It says "Kill Two")

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