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Jeongyeon went home annoyed because of Jimin's behavior. She felt embarrassed just by hearing her name with his sudden outbursts of words which have double meaning.

"Sleep with me? So ridiculous!" She threw her dress on the floor with so much irritation. Her sight then caught her queen sized bed and her mind flashed an image of him sleeping on it. She immediately cringed and slapped herself, "Why am I f*cking imagining him?" She then rushed to her bathroom filling her tub with warm water. She needs this to calm her mood, to relax her mind and to somehow forget about Jimin and her responsibility. She's tired, tired from following him throughout the day. This is why she hated working for someone, she gets easily stressed out.

Meanwhile, Jimin is dragging his luggage still searching for an apartment to rent. It's nearly seven in the evening and his stomach is yearning for food again but he wanted to accomplish finding a shelter first. He was looking around when his eyes caught a building with a signage of Apartment for Rent.

He rushed to inquire inside and a forty year old lady greeted and assisted him. The lobby was okay, not fancy at all but when they got into the elevator, Jimin felt that something is not right. He looked at the lady beside him and she smiled warmly. He forced himself to smile back trying to act fine. When they reached the ninth floor, Jimin was welcomed with some cold air especially when they entered the vacant room. It was just like a box but a lot bigger than a Goshiwon (a small rental space which costs a lot cheaper than a usual apartment). It has a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom. The place is clean but the vibe is just off for Jimin.

"The key deposit is three million won and the rental fee is four hundred thousand won," the lady said after he asked her about the price. It is the cheapest option he had after all the places he went into the whole day but his guts is telling him not to avail it. The atmosphere was depressing and creepy as hell. He isn't that much a believer of ghosts but the place just screams horror for him.

"So will you avail it Sir?" the lady asked him.
He deeply thought for a moment considering the fact that this is probably the cheapest apartment he'll find in Gangnam. A minute has passed and Jimin finally decided to leave the place following his guts. He was still escorted by the lady but as soon as they reached the lobby...

"I can read doubts in your eyes young boy. You will be hurt for sure but remove all your doubts and everything will be alright. Good luck to you," the lady pats him on his shoulder which sends shivers down to his spine. Her hands were cold and he was frozen for a minute. Jimin looked at the lady with his scared eyes. "Are you... are you a ghost?" he asked stuttering but before the lady can answer, he ran away and escaped the place with his luggage. There was an adrenaline rush making him ran faster than the usual until he reached a convenience store. He admits, he was such a coward to ran away like that but he cannot blame himself... At that moment he is convinced that ghosts are real.

"That was scary," Jimin taps his chest to calm his heartbeats. He entered the convenience store and finally decided to eat since his stomach is groaning hard. He bought an instant ramen which he is currently savoring alone at a vacant table inside the store. While eating, he is thinking of how will he survive this night...

"Should I just go home?" he asked himself. "She wouldn't know unless she is still following me..." he contemplates and then looked around.

"Why would I be scared at her? She doesn't own me. I can do whatever I want."

With that, he bought a T-Card and topped it up with cash and went home but to his dismay, the guards are not letting him in.

"Waeyo? I am the son of the owner of the house! For f*cks sake, let me in!" he protests forcing himself to get inside but the guards are holding him so tight.

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