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If I woke up without you, I don't know what I would do
Thought I could be single forever 'til I met you
Usually, don't be fallin', be fallin', fallin' fast
You got a way of keepin' me comin' back-to-back

I just found out the only reason that you lovin' me
Was to get back at your ex-lover


"What's the meaning of this?" Jimin saw how intense their kiss was and what hurts him the most is the fact that Jeongyeon initiated it. Their position says it all. Taehyung is sitting on the chair and she was the one leaning onto him while gripping the man's shirt. Jimin is holding the folded envelope and it crumpled when he balled his fists.

"Jimin..." Jeongyeon saw him with a shock on her face. She immediately wiped her lips.
Taehyung then smirked at him, "I told you she's still into me."

Jeongyeon looked at him with her wide eyes, opening her mouth in disgust. "That's not true."

"F*ck you two," Jimin firmly said throwing away the envelope and rushed out.

Jeongyeon slapped Taehyung, "How dare you!"
She went out to follow her boyfriend but he's pushing her away.

"My love let me explain," she is crying and begging while holding his arm.

"F*ck you!" Jimin looked at her with his red eyes and forcefully removed her hands. "Don't touch me!"

He rushed continuously pressing the elevator button to open.

"My love, please listen to me..." Jeongyeon cries.

Tears escape his eyes too and he shakes his head looking at her with repugnance. He never said a word after until the elevator opens.

"Jimin, let me explain..." she insists but he ignored her and went into the elevator. She was about to step in when he said , "Don't you dare," he glared at her with so much anger and she was stopped. The fire in his eyes is just too scary. She felt terrified, she has never seen him like that.

"My love..." Jeongyeon muttered in pain with a beg on her face. "Don't leave me..."

The doors closed leaving her no chance to explain herself. She fell on the floor feeling so weak as she cries so hard.

"Get over him, you still have me." She heard Taehyung's voice and infuriates her so much. She stands and turns to face him, "F*ck you! Is this all your plan to hurt me over and over again?!"

"Jeongyeon, you don't deserve a jerk like him," Taehyung leered at her.

"Look who's talking. He was your friend and I did nothing wrong to you! How could you do this to us?"

"Friend my ass. He deserves to be hurt."

"F*ck you!" She pulled him out of her entrance door and she rushed to go in shutting the door.
She quickly got her phone trying to contact Jimin but he isn't answering. She keeps on dialing him until his number went unreached. The envelope on the floor then caught her attention.

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