15 - Rushes & Entrees

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Dear Mr. Fantasy - Traffic


Zara stands before the large gold framed vintage mirror and examines the small growing bump. The first trimester has kicked in and she gulps as her ringed fingers tenderly massage the swollen form.

It is amazing to watch her body gradually change shape and take another form.

The sweatpants balance just under her tummy as she caresses the growing child and the heavy door slowly opens.

Harry calmly walks in with a mug in his hand and he stands inches away from her. He observes her and drinks in the new beauty that's landing on her.

They have heard stories of how pregnancy makes women glow or look totally different so witnessing it is very interesting to them.

Harry has noticed there's indeed an extra glow to her skin and extra flesh around her waist. They've been quite strategic with how she's dressed up whenever they stepped out together.

The theories swimming through his fans have drastically reduced as everyone believes she only added little weight and loves to wear his clothes.

Of course, it has led some fans to lash out and attack her for being clingy but she truly doesn't care.

Nobody understands what's happening behind the scenes and that's fine by her.

Zara slowly pulls up the sweatpants and adjusts it over her belly. She takes the mug from Harry with a weak smile and he nods in acknowledgement.

Things have been awkward for a while now and it's starting to look like a terribly long fight.

"Thank you," She manages.

"How far with the team?" he asks.

"They've started setting up at the venue," she takes a sip from the mug.

"Well done, over a month of planning and all," he praises her.

"Thank you," she forces a smile.

"Do you need me at the venue with you?" he asks.

"Nah, Poppy's going to be there with me," she replies.

"Great." Harry nods after speaking.

Once again the awkward silence descends upon them and they shyly look away from each other. It's so weird acting like this after sharing the same bed, shower and basically resuming sex.

Everything is fine when they're being physical or with other people but the moment they're together, it's tense and awkward.

Harry knows it's about the conversation about him touring the world with her and the child. He knows something set her off and triggered this reaction from her.

Now, he's not sure what part of the conversation upset her and he doesn't know when to bring it up. He watches her finish the contents in the mug and calmly collects it from her.

Zara exhales her in relief and moves closer to kiss his forehead in gratitude. They linger for a moment as their foreheads move to touch each other and she brings her fingers to trace his face.

When her finger lands on his lips he playfully makes a move to bite her finger and she laughs at how childish he can be sometimes.

"Don't bite me," she whispers.

"You like to bite me," he calls her out.

"I'm the only one allowed to bite you," she teases.

"Wait," he reaches to place the mug on the nearby table and returns his attention to her. "What were we saying?"

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