"Mikey" (myers fluff)

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Times such as these were few and far between...or at least they used to be.

Usually Michael would spend the majority of the night away, out stalking or hunting some poor bastard while you laid at home with nothing but the thought of him to keep you company. Used to, that would've been enough in itself to keep the both of you satisfied- after all, wasn't officially living in the same space enough? Wasn't him actually speaking to you enough? No. No it wasn't. Not now. Surprisingly enough, it was him that thought so- not you, even if you truly desired more.

Regardless of the shift in your situation, the change was something you'd thank a higher being for every night of your life if it meant ensuring that it stayed.

Instead of being left to your empty bed, Michael was beside you. Instead of being cold, distant and desperately clinging to his own sense of space, he was holding you. Something had snapped in him, making him wish to embrace you in ways that he had never once desired to- something made him crave it. Crave your sweet, kind touches and your loving smile...

Bare of any mask or typical jumpsuit, you allowed yourself to bask in his visage. Adoring eyes shamelessly appraising your lover in front of you, from the vast waves of his auburn hair, to the sharpness of his bi colored eyes, to the unbelievably soft and relaxed expression he wore- he was nothing short of a beauty in your mind.

Little did you know, that feeling was mutual- even if Michael didn't know how to properly express that...If he even would've.

Noticing your prying eyes, he merely coiled his arms around you tighter- urging you to rest and allow your face to sit atop his chest with a gentle forcefulness of his hand behind your head. You didn't really need any guidance to comply.

Your cheek smushed into the black signees of his cotton t-shirt, you closed your eyes. "I'm so happy you're home. I don't think you know how much I miss you, Mikey." A light mumble escaped you as your mind slowly stopped resisting the alluring pull of sleepiness.

Hearing the thing you called him made a strange shiver go down his spine, eyes slightly widening as they stared straight ahead at your ceiling. The name...the name stirred an unfamiliar feeling of..of, well he didn't even know what to call it. Slowly he'd allow his gaze to drift back down to the top of your head, his heart seeming to have skipped a beat when he took note of the soft smile upon your now peacefully sleeping face.

With a soft sigh, he'd gently clench the plumpness of your shoulder. "Miss you...too." He mumbled quiet enough to barely register as even speaking.

What has happened to him? Have you somehow reshaped him? Why did you calling him something so silly make him feel that way?

Well youre just going to have to answer a few irrational questions whenever you finally woke up.

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