Dating Lucifer Morningstar

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Every once in a while, when you stay the night over in his penthouse, you'll wake up to him playing one of your favourite songs on the piano.

Developing a relationship with him is difficult, I mean come on, he's terrible at dealing with genuine emotions that make him feel out of control. You do just that. That being said, once he eventually comes around and faces his "desire" to have you in more than just a carnal way, your bond is unbreakable.

He tries his damndest to get you to work cases with him, often times taking you to the precinct with him. Chloe is less than pleased but he couldn't care less, bonus points if he gets to flaunt you. You're just so precious to him and he likes to rub it in everyone's face that you are his.

Totally denies it and deflects like a boss when confronted but he gets super jealous easy.

His relationship with you takes a huge turn whenever he finally gets around to showing you his face or his wings. Granted that you have a good reaction to it, he'll fall impossibly deeper in love with you.

Lots and I mean, lots, of sex. He's a horny devil who firmly believes that the day most certainly cannot start without a round or two under the sheets.

If you're cold and no one is watching, he'll wrap you in his wings. Same goes for cuddling.

Expect tons of lavish gifts, especially if the two of you recently had an argument or he somehow hurt your feelings. Even if he isn't in the "dog house", he still likes giving you little presents, just to see that gorgeous smile of your's.

He loves spending time with you and he fully intends on making the very best of each moment. Be it a dinner date at some swanky, over priced restaurant or simply staying in for the night binge watching whatever movie or series you desire.

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