Second choices and cups of tea ~ Sapnap

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You fell away from the stove, bringing your fingers to your face for a closer inspection. They had turned red and started to swell almost on impact with the saucer that was heating up your milk. It had already been a tough night and little things were now starting to get to you, you turned on the tap and let the cold water run over your swelled fingers. As you let your fingers cool under the water the day set in.

"Darn, you'd think learning how to boil water would be on the list of priorities to be a queen"

When you had received the letter telling you the other princess had dropped out and you were now to marry Prince Sapnap you hadn't predicted fitting in would be this hard. Everything used to be done for you but now your heart rate shot up any time you had to ask for something.

"How the-

You stared back down at the stove, examining every handle, switch and every place you were meant to light to heat the saucer.

"Ugh I can't do this"

The subtle sound of footsteps echoed down the hall, stopping at the kitchen doorway

"What's going on down here"

You didn't think and instantly responded

"Heating milk. Apparently its not that easy"

You spun around to see who you were speaking to, Prince Sapnap was standing in the arch doorway leaning on the frame, arms crossed and in his night attire. You froze, he wasn't scary but you hadn't expected him.

"Oh im terribly sorry, If i woke you your highness"

He nodded, waving his arm in dismissal

"That's quite alright, what are you doing up at this hour?"

You set yourself back up on to the counter, careful not to knock anything over or mess up anything more.

"Trying to make a cup of tea, though it is quite a lot harder than I would have liked it to be"

He fruzzled his eyebrows in confusion, yet you took it as a sign of annoyance.

"would you like me to call the maids?"

You waved your hands frantically signaling that you would rather not do that

"Oh no, I do not wish to trouble them anymore than I already have"

"It wouldn't be any trouble"

Meeting his gaze with your pleading eyes, he took the hint

"Please, I'll be okay. I have to learn somehow eventually"

You rolled your eyes, breaking eye contact and laughing awkwardly at yourself as you did so

"I Can't rule a kingdom if I can't make some te-OW"

You tried to pick up the saucer, grabbing the sides with both hands. Forgetting that the kettle was still hot

"Well perhaps you can learn in a safer way"

He took the saucer out of your hand, holding the handle and lifting it up to show you that this in fact, was the right way to hold it and began to make the tea for you.

"If you wish to go back to sleep, I do not mind working it out on my own"

"Don't be silly, I couldn't sleep anyway. plus we have to get to know eachother eventually"

Your face dropped ever so slightly, unfortunately he noticed


"No you're right, you're.. right.."

You knew you had to adress your feelings eventually. But you really didn't want to, Just pushing through until after the wedding.

"Is everything alright?"


"Yes of course, why wouldn't it be?"

"Well you haven't taken to any duties recently and you've been avoiding half of the castle, avoiding me."

He stopped, wondering if he should push on. he was right though you hadn't finished, let alone started half of the things you were meant to.

"What are you planning on doing?"

He instantly regretted not stopping where he had just before. Your face dropped and you snapped at him, not meaning to but you were quite sick of being asked impossible things that you couldn't possibly do.

"Well what in the lords' name am I meant to do. I can't rule and I especially cant live up to your expectations"

"My expectations? I don't understand"

You couldn't belive him, had he completely forgotten that you weren't his fist choice

"I was your second choice to rule the kingdom, did you know that I knew?

You tried to stop yourself but you had already started and everything was on the table, you just had to make him listen.

"The other princess, she wouldn't do it, they say she had better offers so that's why I was chosen. Not because I'm worthy but because I was the only choice left, and your father refused to leave you without a spouse to keep you in check. They told me how disappointed you were to be left with me instead, how you and your father begged her to choose you. I guess we are both second place..."

You looked at him, the look in his eyes stoped you in your tracks.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to.. i-..."

You stumbled over your words realising you had said to much, turning away not wanting to make anything more awkward

"That's not true, the reason he picked you"

Your head shot back up, staring at him in confusion as he handed you your tea careful to make sure you were holding it before letting go.


"The reason you were picked was because I told him I wouldn't marry... unless it was you"

He held your gaze, waiting for you to answer. you couldn't peice together what you were thinking let alone form a sentance about it. You felt bad as his eyes dropped down to the floor and he started to walk towards the hollow doorway, but he stopped and looked at you one last time.

"I hope you will one day understand you were never my second choice"

Turning around yet again he went to leave for the final time. Just as he stepped out into the hallway you spoke out, not a full sentance but enough to get his attention.

"Please, I don't- I...

He waited for you to finish what you were going to say, but you could tell he already knew what you wanted from him. You whispered ever so quietly that you weren't even sure he would hear you

"I don't want to be alone right now..."

He hesitated for a moment before he pushed himself off the door frame. He did hear you. He sat himself up next to you with his now lukewarm tea in hand, he answered in the best way possible

"Then you never will be"

A/N: this is so bad sorry, I'm fixing mistakes later I'm just really lazy and I'm working on several more imagines right now :)

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