Dream ~ Locked doors 3

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You had woken up in a foreign place to where you had drifted off to sleep the night before. Not foreign in the way that you had never been in this room before, you had spent many a night in Clays room before, but foreign in the sense that this wasn't where you remembered being last.

One part of you hoped that it was all dream, that the dream had displayed the past few weeks of your life in one night. That clay hadn't shut you out and that everything in your relationship was as it should be. You are smarter than that though, you are still in your clothes from the day before and not any nightwear attire. The same clothes you had fallen asleep in at his door the night before.

Another part of you expected to wake up and find him lying besides you in the bed, It was big enough to fit both of you, In fact, it was big enough to fit at least five people. But the only warmth in the bed was coming from you, There was no other weight on the mattress and no sign anyone had slept there next to you at all last night.

The sensible part of you, and the part that knew best (even if you wish it was wrong sometimes), told you that everything was still real. You are still both fighting, you're still being shut out by him and you in fact had almost broken up last night. You wanted to be mad at him and in some sense you were, In fact that he was willingly going to give up for years of your relationship over one measly fight. But then again, if he was willing to give it all up over one measly fight, could it really have been that small of a fight at all.


You knew calling out to him was pointless, It was more more of an involuntary reaction then an Inquiry. You didn't bother waiting for a reply and even if you had you wouldn't have got one, for Clay wasn't even on this side of the castle.

Pulling yourself up and out of bed, cringing at the thought of staying the whole night in this big empty room by yourself. The only real win of being in this room was that clay wasn't in it, which also worried you because you have no idea of where else he could be. He had been in here for weeks, sometimes not even daring to open his own bedroom door and certainly not even thinking about stepping outside of it.


You called out again, this time double checking to make sure he wasn't here. Now that you had time to think about it, You wouldn't know what to do when you saw him face to face. What were you meant to do, You hadn't seen him in weeks and at some point you started to worry that you may have forgotten what he truly looked like, how his voice sounded and how it felt to hold him in your arms. You couldn't bare to look at pictures of him, for the person in the pictures wasn't the same as the man hiding out in his room.

And you could tell he had been hiding out on his room. It wasn't unbelievably unpleasant, but nothing had been picked up off the floor and a strong smell of dust and used clothes filling up the room. No trash had been taken out so the bin was overflowing with trash and snot filled tissues. To be honest, It wasn't the worst site you would ever seen a room be in, but for a room I was usually spic and span due to the endless amount of cleaning from the maids. It felt worse than it really was.  It was sad to see it in a state like this, but nothing broke your heart more than the pictures of you and him being facedown on the nightstand.

Even with them being turned face down, you knew they were the photos of you and him. You had printed them out and framed them yourself to help him decorate his room a while back, so they were easy to spot when they were face down and out of sight. You decided to solve that problem for him, picking up the picture frames and finally leaving the room, taking them with you. If he didn't want to look at them then you would make sure he didn't have to.


The sun had already set and you still hadn't found him, No one in the castle had seen Clay either. Even with him having left his room, he was still hiding. Either that or he had fully left, but that wasn't something you wanted to think about, because that would mean that you were alone and he had truly left you. You weren't sure what would happen to the kingdom if he had run away, but you were sure to know what would happen to you. You would go back to your family even if the kingdom asked you to stay, which do your surprise was a bigger possibility than you had thought. Most of the maids have been talking to about it the rest of the morning, how if Clay had left that would mean there was no one else lives to rule the throne, Which in turn would make you the closest heir. You knew the kingdom took kindly to you as had the king when he was alive, which was quite possibly one of the reasons you were being considered for the throne.

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