you can drive my car

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drive my car-The Beatles 

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Charli pov-

"you know Toms," I started as we shut the car doors and went to walked up to the door, "you should teach me how to drive." I suggested. "You don't know how to drive?" He asked, turning the key into the lock, "aren't you fifteen? And can't americans drive at sixteen?" "I mean ya, but I just never got around to it you know?" I explained as we walked into the house, he nodded. "Where have you two been?" Wilbur got up from his spot on the couch and walked up to us, "getting medicine." I said showing him the small bag from the corner store, "go to bed, both of you, we're going hiking at eight." Tommy slumped down onto the couch as I headed to my room and fell asleep.

"CHARLOTTE ANN WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!" Kenzie, of course, who else would wake me up in such a nice manner. "We're leaving in an hour," She said going under the blankets with me. I mumbled an ok in response and got out of bed. I opened my suitcase to find something to wear, I decided on some Nike running shorts and an oversize t-shirt, I threw my hair in some quick french braids and went to the kitchen were I found everyone sitting around while Wilbur cooked eggs and toast and handed them out to everyone. "Look who decided to get up," Tommy said hopping into the seat next to me, "I will push you off the side of the cliff today." I said stabbing my eggs, "woahh ok," he said laughing, "guys look at the picnic Will and I made!" Toby said lifting up the picnic basket and showing us, "I did all of that," Wilbur said laughing, "no no, it was all me." Tommy got up and whispered something to Wilbur before turning to me, "Char we're leaving now, we'll be back to pick you guys up in twenty." "what why?" "trust me." He said forcing me up, we walked outside and he got into the passenger seat of the car we had, "what are you doing?" I asked laughing at him, "you said you wanted me to teach you how to drive, so get in." He said gesturing to the drivers seat, I opened up the door and got in, "just don't crash." He said laughing. He taught me the basics and I quickly got it, I put my hands on the steering wheel, "Charli no, your hand are all wrong." He leaned over to me, he was so close I could feel his breath of my neck, he reached out the the steering wheel and put his hands over mine, my face went red and my stomach filled with butterflies just from the feeling of his hands over mine. "They're supposed to be like that." He said moving back to his seat, "oh, uh, ok." I said quickly, "wow did I fluster the charlotte brown?" He said giggling, "shut the fuck up dickhead." I said rolling my eyes, "someone's defensive, what is it Charli, do I make you flustered?" He asked almost in a whisper, my face went red once again, only this time he could tell, I decided to fight fire with fire and I leaned it close to him, "so what if you do, are you going to do something about it, Simons?" I asked in the same whisper like tone, making our eyes meet.

Tommy pov

"So what if you do, are you going to do something about it, Simons?" Fuck. My heart dropped, something about her matching my tone, the energy I had just gave her, made me feel something. It was something about the way her brown eyes looked in the sun, how pieces of her curly brown hair poked out of her braids, the words Will had told me earlier, 'make a move kept repeating in the head, but just as I was about to I head the house door open and people's voices coming from the same direction. "They haven't even left yet!" Toby laughed walking towards us, we both quickly moved away from each other the second we heard there voices turning bright red. Everyone came to the car as I rolled my window down, "this feels like we're getting pulled over but we're still in the driveway." Charlotte giggled, "Char, go to the back, I'm driving." Wilbur said walking around to the drivers seat, Charli nodded and jumped into the back with Toby, Grayson, and Kenzie. I rolled my eyes as Wilbur took Charli's spot, "remember when you told me to, 'make a move?" I whispered to Wilbur, he immediately understood, "fuck sorry." I rolled my eyes as we drove to the hiking place.


kinda shorter chapter i guess but i wanted to make hiking its own chpater so thats next! it should be out kinda soon i want to start writing it today but idk for sure! hope you enoyed love u!!

836 words

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