we made it.

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song- we made it- david hugo

charlotte pov

"I missed you so much Char." Tommy said after our kiss putting his chin on top of mine. "I missed you too Tommy." We stayed like that until we heard the chime of the elevator singling that we had reached the tenth floor, the doors opened and we separated grabbing our luggage, and headed to our rooms, our rooms were right next to each other and were connected through a door on the inside. We both walked into Tommy, Wilbur, and Tubbo's room hearing noise coming from there, as we walked in Tommy gave Will and Toby a slight nod, which made me think the elevator incident had been planned, "whatchu you guys doing?" I asked sitting down next to Toby, "playing go fish." I laughed and nodded watching them play, after a while, everyone had gone to bed, as I was grabbing my suitcase I had put down in Tommy's room I noticed a balcony, so I obviously had to go out. I quietly unlocked the door, trying not to wake anyone up, and sat on the small bench, it was so peacful and gave me time to think about Tommy and I's kiss. We hadn't talked about it at all, which worried me but I still tried to think about the bright side, like how we had litterly kissed! The screech of the door behind me interuptted the silence and my thinking I turned around to met with none other than Tommy himself. "What are you doing?" He half whispered, rubbing his eyes, he had cleary just woke up and saw the light outside on, stupid motion sensers. "Stargazing," I answered, "mind if I sit?" He asked gesturing to the spot on the bench next to me, I nodded and he sat. "I think we should talk about what happened it the elevator," he started, I once again ony nodded in response, "I meant everything I said, I love you Charli, I always have and always will, and I would love to give us being an actual realshinship a chance." "I love you too Tommy, and I would also like to give us being an actual realshinship a chance," "as long as theres no more spin the bottle." I added with a giggle, Tommy let out a light laugh too, "oh and, I have something that I think belongs to you, let me go get it." He said getting up and heading back inside, I watched him go inside before turning back to countine stargazing, not long after Tommy came back out with a small box, I shot him a confusing look. "Your necklace." He said opening the box, it was the star neckalce, I immeditaly started crying, "wait no no don't cry," Tommy said, basically pleading, "it's a good cry," I laughed through tears, I turned around and pulled my hair up for him to clasp the necklace, after a couple failed attempts he got it and we both faced foward, with my head on his shoulder watching the stars and pointing out the constellations we saw, my eyes were starting to close as a wave of tiredness washed over me, right before my eyes closed I saw a shooting star dart across the sky.


achivments-book ended(8/12/21)



thank you guys for everything really, even through my inconsistent updates you guys have still been here and im so thankful, make sure to check out my other books that I'm working on. Not the tommyxreader one tho, that one sucks, and if youre here from that book, thank you for giving me a second chance I hope my grammer and spelling has improved LOL. ok love u guys lots<3

627 words

shooting stars(tommyinnitxoc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin