through and through

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song-Through and Through; Khai Dreams

Charlotte pov

I was woken by a nudge from Tommy and him motioning for me to be quiet and listen I nodded slightly peeking my head up to see Wilbur standing in the kitchen by the alcohol cabinet. "George, you didn't have to drink alone!" He said laughing, I glanced up towards Tommy my eyes going wide. "What do you mean?" George said coming down the stairs, "I didn't drink last night," "What?" "Ya, I don't know what you're talking  about." "Then who...?" Will said trailing off thinking, "Kenzie, Grayson, Toby, come here!" He shouted upstairs, and then I heard light walking coming towards me, "get up." Will said sternly, Tommy and I sat up on the couch and scooted over making room for the other three. They walked over and took a seat, Toby next to me, "ok, we need to talk about something important." Wilbur started as George stood next to him. "First Charlotte, Tommy, why were you guys sleeping on the couch and not in your rooms?" I glanced towards Tommy, "we fell asleep downstairs during the movie." Tommy answered surprisingly calmly, the two adults nodded, "well, this morning when we woke up, the bottle of vodka was just about empty, and we need to know who drank last night, cause it wasn't us." We all looked around, I looked to Tommy and debated on fessing up, but I didn't. "Ok, well, since none of you are saying anything, you are all grounded today, tomorrow we're going to Tommy's soccer game and then that's when you guys have to go home." We all nodded I felt guilty, but still didn't say anything. We ordered some food for breakfast as it started getting cloudy outside. "Was it you?" I heard a whisper behind me, I turned around to see Kenz, I gave her a weak nod and sat down at the table to eat. "Well since we're 'grounded'". Toby said, putting quotations around grounded, "what are we gonna do all day?" "We should have a game day." Grayson suggested.  We all nodded, agreeing. We finished eating and got ready for the day, as Kenz and I sat down on the couch the boys walked in caring handfuls of board and card games. "Oo! Let's play uno first!" I excitedly said reaching for the deck, Will, and George came down and decided to play with us. 

"Uno!" Grayson said putting down his second to last card, "little bitch." Tommy said scoffing. Grayson ended up winning and pulled out his phone, "I'm posting about this on twitter." He said laughing 



photo taken moments before I won uno

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photo taken moments before I won uno

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kenziekelly;shut up u have no friends 

purpled replying to kenziekelly; you're right we're more than friends;)

PCharlotte replying to purpled and kenziekelly; wtf

user0237 replying to kenziekelly,purpled, PCharlotte; this is my new favorite thread 

in real life

Tommy pov

I needed to talk to someone about the previous night, the drinking, the kiss, the cuddling, all of it. I looked around Toby was with Charli making a ticktok, Grayson was cuddled up with Kenzie looking at something on their phones, and that just left Will and George. Wilbur was like a brother to me, and I wanted to tell him what happened, I really did, but I would have to tell him about the drinking, and I was scared he would get pissed at me and Charlotte, and I didn't think I could deal with that, so I forced myself to pull Toby away from the group. "Toby, can you come upstairs with me to grab something?" I asked, he looked up from Charli's phone which was playing the video, and mumbled something to her I couldn't hear before getting up and following behind me. "What are you getting?" He asked as we walked into what was supposed to be our shared room, "oh uh..." I rubbed the back of my neck nervous to tell him. I sat down on the bed, "Tommy? What's up?" He said sitting next to me, "I kissed Charli last night and I don't think she remembers it." I said quickly. His eyes widened, "wait what, how does she not remember it?" I sighed, "remember why we're grounded?" I saw the realization kick in, "so what happened? Give me all the details!" He said excitingly, I laughed, and told him everything that happened, I started the story from the beginning, waking up at three am, and her suggesting the drinking game, "and then she said, 'you're really cute,'" I was interrupted by a voice coming up the stairs  "Hey, are you guys almost done looking for what you're looking for, we're gonna play monopoly." Willbur said coming closer to the door before opening it, "what are you guys doing? We've been waiting for you for like ten minutes." He said looking back and forth from me and Toby. "Well, tell him what happened, he could give better advice than me." I took a deep breath before turning to Will and telling him the same thing I told Toby, the same details, if not more, even the part about drinking. "So it was you two! I knew it!" He said leaning back as I finished the story, "you know about Char though, you have to be careful with her and drinking. But good for you man, first kiss!" He said playfully punching my arm "wait I thought you kissed-" I slapped my hand over his arm before he could continue, Will raised his eyebrows at us, "and uh, ya, I don't know what to about Chali because everything been normal, at least I think, and I don't know what to do about it." I said before Will could ask any questions. "I think you should talk to her about it, like right when we go downstairs." Will suggested, "you know I've never been a brave one." I said whining, "come on, don't be a pussy." Toby said, Will laughed and I rolled my eyes. We got up from the bed and made our way downstairs where I saw Charli explaining the roles of monopoly to George while he complained about how he was at a disadvantage because he was colorblind. I stood in the living room entryway for a second just watching her talk, watching the way she always talked with her hands, and how she rolled her eyes at George and, "stop staring and go talk to her." Will said from behind me, interrupting my thoughts, I nodded. "Charli can we talk?" She looked up and nodded saying she would be right back and then got up and followed me back to my room. 


ooo cliffhanger. sorry for not updating lol but I'm back! so except more of me and call me out in the comments if I'm not updating! anyways don't forget to vote and comment! love you thank you for reading!<3

1176 words 

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