but four drinks im wasted

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super quick a/n before we start, sorry I've been super in just been busy but please remember to vote and comment! love you!

song- Talia-King Princess

CW-underage drinking

charlotte pov-

We had gotten home around six with Kenzie and Grayson coming home shortly after. We had decided to get pizza and watch movies and we had all fallen asleep around an hour into the movie. I woke up laying against Tommy in the living room with the only light coming from the moon and his phone screen, "hi Charlotte," he whispered, I sat up a little and looked around seeing everyone else had gotten up and gone to their rooms, "you could've woken me up and gone to your room." I said facing him, "It was nice," he said smiling down at me, "what time is it?" I asked starting to slowly wake up, I was no longer tired and it seemed Tommy wasn't either. He showed me his phone that read, 2:30, "well we're up early," I said giggling getting off the couch to get water, "hey Tommy?" I whisper shouted, loud enough for him to hear but not too loud to wake up the others, "ya?" He whisper shouted back, "have you ever drank?" I asked opening up the alcohol cupboard, "I mean ya a few times why?" He looked up from his phone to me, "Charli no. Will would know and flip out." He said getting up and coming towards me, "no he wouldn't, we could just blame it on George, or like anyone else, plus we'll only have a little, he wouldn't even notice." I say carefully taking the bottle out and grabbing two shot glasses. "No, I'm not letting you do this." Tommy said trying to put the bottle back, "come on Tommyyyy," I said dragging out the y, "I'm gonna do with or without you but, do you really want me to drink alone?" Some may say this is pure pressure but I think it's simply just me trying to encourage my friend and have some fun. "Fine. You're probably a lightweight anyway." He said under his breath, "I am not." I argued back pouring two shots into the small glasses, "ready?" I asked holding up my glass, "Cheers." He answered, bumping the two glasses together. 

Tommy pov

"Cheers." I knew this was a bad idea, I knew that before I meet Charli she would always do these things. When her dad was still living with her he was an alcoholic and would smoke all those things. It obviously really affected Charli and her family, as it would for anyone. But Charli followed in his footsteps, she got out of it after getting help but we had been on calls when she snuck to the alcohol cabinet, we never talked about it though. But I couldn't say no, it wouldn't have mattered she would've done it anyway, so why not do it with her?

Charlotte pov

We both took the shot and scrunched our faces at the bad taste. "Let's play a game." I suggested, "Like a drinking game?" He asked lightly putting his glass down, "ya. Like never have I ever, but if you've done it, you take a shot." "Charli I don't know about this," "come on Tommy. It'll be fun." I smiled at him and went to sit on the living room floor with the glasses and bottle ready for refills.

We had been playing for forty-five minutes, I was four shots in, Tommy was two. And he was right, I was a lightweight.

tommy pov

"Ok Char I think we should be done." "But whyyy?" I glanced at her, she was slurring her words together. "I told you you were a lightweight." I laughed trying to ease the tension, "bitch I had four shots shut the fuck up." She stumbled over to the couch and slumped down, I did the same after putting everything away, not a trace we drank anything. I sat down next to her, "you wanna sleep here?" She was completly zoned out, looking out the window towards the bright moon, god even when she was drunk she was still perfect. "Hello earth to Charli," I waved my hand in front of her, "Tommy," she paused, "you're really cute." My eyes widended, was this just drunk words coming from her mouth or did they actually mean something? "Char we can't do this right now." She sat up, our faces inches apart, "why?" She asked in a low whisper, "because we won't remember it when we wake up." "Exacly." And she connected our lips, her breath tasting more vodkay than mine, but nonetheless I kissed back. I knew I'd remeber, and I knew she most likely wouldn't. It lasted long but not long enough, "see that wasn't so bad," she giggled laying down cuddling into me and immeditaly falling asleep, "ya wasn't so bad." I mumbled trying to fall asleep.

813 words

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