i can't get enough of you

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a/n i literally have one more chapter after this one and im grinding to get them out soon.

CW-underage drinking

song-my ex's best friend-Machine Gun Kelly & Blackbear

Tommy pov

It was the day that we were leaving for New York. My break up with Maggie had been rough, needed, but rough. I was so confused about everything, but I had no time to really think about it because Wilbur and Toby were at my door picking me up to go to the airport. "Tom! Get down here!" My dad called from downstairs, I grabbed my suitcase and backpack and head downstairs saying goodbye to my parents and getting into Wills car. "Tommy! How you doing man after the whole breakup and everything?" Will asked as I buckled my seatbelt, "well you know, I'm ok, could be better, I'm just really confused about everything." "Elaborate." Toby said, and so on the 45-minute car ride I told them all about all my feelings for Charli, and everything that had really happened the night of the party, and that ended in a 'ya you fucked up' from both Will and Toby with no real advice.

Charlotte pov

Kenzie and I were shitfaced. Grayson(the only sober one, since he was driving) watched Kenzie and I dance around the living room after doing at least five shots, before we knew it it was 1 am and we had to leave to the airport to go pick up Will, Toby, and Tommy. The thought of seeing Tommy made my stomach do flips and I realized being drunk was either going to make seeing him easier or harder, guess we would have to wait to see. Kenzie and I stumbled into the car, her in the passenger, me in the back, and we started our drive to the airport. It was about 20 minutes till we arrived and I had just noticed how much we recked of alcohol, "ok, you guys smell like straight vodka and you are both 16 and there are multiple police in there so you guys stay here I'll go get everyone." Grayson said, reading my mind, Kenzie and I mumbled an ok. After a few short moments, we saw the four boys walking back to our car, Kenzie and I got out and ran to hug them. "We missed you guys!" She said after giving all three of them a hug, I stood awkwardly after hugging Will and Toby, I thought being drunk would help this but it seemed that just seeing Tommy hurt. The six of us walked back to the car, Kenzie and I stumbling, "are you guys drunk?" Will asked as we all got into the car, Kenzie and I burst into a giggling fit just at the question, "whatttt? Us? No never!" I said unconvincingly, bursting into laughter again, I heard a light sigh from the seat behind me where Tommy was sitting but just rolled my eyes and brushed it off. We pulled up to the hotel we had rented a few rooms out of and all grabbed some bags and headed inside, Will checked us all in handing me Kenzie and Grayson a room key and saving the other for him Tommy, and Toby. The six of us made our way to the elevator and waited for it to show up, betting on which one would come down first. The one on the left opened and everybody started pilling in, "uh oh, looks like we're out of room." Toby said, "you guys take the other one, we're on floor ten!" Will half-shouted as the doors closed, this left Tommy and I standing awkwardly watching as the elevator rose up and away, both with suitcases in hand and me with the smell of tequila on my tongue. "So, how was your flight?" I asked turning towards Tommy, trying to make conversation, "it was, it was good." "How are you? After you know Maggie and stuff." This was awkward. "I'm fine." He said dryly, I nodded in response, luckily the elevator had just shown up. "Listen Charli," Tommy said I looked up to him, he took a deep breath, "these past few months have been a mess, and how I've been acting, to you especially, has been awful, I've been a dick, and I completely understand if you never want to talk to me again, or if you don't forgive me or anything but I still really like you, I don't think I ever stopped liking you, you know I could probably even say I love you." He stopped, "I, I'm sorry." "Tommy, I never stopped liking you either," A smile formed on his lips, "Charli, can I kiss you right now?" He asked, putting my hair behind my ear as he did, I nodded, and so he leaned down and kissed me, and I kissed right back.


813 words

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