does he love me does he love me not

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CW-underage drinking+drugs

Song-violent by CarolesDaughter p.s do you guys actually listen to these songs while reading?

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Charlotte pov

I sat in the front with Wilbur on the way home instead of with Tommy, but still forcing a smile onto my face and congratulating him on his win. We pulled into the driveway of the house and all got out of the car and went our separate ways for a bit, Kenzie Grayson and I had decided to stream since we hadn't in a while and occasionally one of the other boys would pop in. But before we knew it it was seven, and even though I was kind of mad at Tommy I would never miss a good party. We had come up with a plan to tell Will and George that we were just going to get dinner and see a movie at 8:30 so we would be home late, so George and Wilbur wouldn't question why we weren't home till late. I was finally ready at 8:25, I was wearing a black sparkly top with jeans(here's the picture for reference)

 I was finally ready at 8:25, I was wearing a black sparkly top with jeans(here's the picture for reference)

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I slipped on some black boots and went downstairs. "You look nice," Tommy whispered into my ear as we walked out the door I decided now was the time to get my questions out, "Tommy can I ask you something?" I asked turning towards him, the rest of the group was already getting into the car so it was just me and him. "Anything," I took a deep breath, "who was the girl you were hugging at the game?" He sighed, looking everywhere but my eyes, "it was a girl I used to talk to, a long time ago, her brothers on the team and that's why she was there, she came up and hugged me, I was looking for you Charli, I really was." Now he was making eye contact, I smiled knowing a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, "now come on let's party!" He said making his way to the car with me following close behind. 

It had taken us a while to get to the house that was hosting but once we pulled in you could immediately tell that there was a party. "So, who's not drinking and will drive us home?" Grayson asked turning back to us, "Grayson Tommy and I are the only three that can legally drive, and there is no way in hell that I am not getting wasted tonight." Kenzie pointed out, "shit you're right." Tommy said, "do rock paper scissors!" Toby suggested, and so they did, and it was pretty intense, but Grayson ended up losing. Once we got inside Tommy started introducing us to all his friends, making sure they knew that Kenzie was taken. Then after that we all split up, Kenzie and I started doing shots in the kitchen, Toby and Grayson were outside doing something, probably trying to avoid the most amount of people as they could and Tommy was hanging out with his soccer friends. It was a good party, they had good music, lots of nice people, I was having a good time. I was four shots in and when you've had that many you have to pee. I walked to the bathroom after asking at least four different people where it was, there was a long line of people, some looked way more desperate for it than others, I decided to pull out my phone just to be something but out of the corner of my eye I saw Tommy sitting on the floor with a bunch of people, I noticed one person in particular, the blonde girl from earlier. As I got closer to the group of people I noticed a bottle sitting in the middle of all of them, and that's when it clicked, spin the bottle. It seemed as I had got there at the perfect time, because right, when I was about ten feet away the bottle, landed on Tommy, and directly across from him, blonde girl. My mind was racing, he wasn't actually going to do it right, especially after what he said before we left, but sure enough, he leaned forward and kissed her, it wasn't even a peak either, like a real kiss. "Hey who's this cutie I haven't seen you around, want to play?" I was caught off guard by someone that was sitting in the circle, this caught Tommy's attention and he turned to see who the guy was looking at, "Charli?" He asked raising his eyebrows, "damn you know this girl and you didn't invite her to play?" The guy asked, "now sit, play, whoever you get to kiss is lucky." The guy kept talking, he was obviously drunk and probably had done some sort of drug before this, I gave him a weak smile, "I'm good thanks." Then turned and headed to the door. I sat on the porch step picking the petals off a flower, I felt like a little girl doing the 'does he love me does he love me not.' "Charli," It was Tommy, "what the fuck?" I asked standing up, wobbling a bit, "come on, it was just a game, nothing serious." I could tell he was also drunk, way drunker than what we had gotten only a few days ago. "Oh, really nothing serious? Ya because kissing the girl I told you I was concerned about literally two hours ago, isn't serious." I said, almost yelling, "come on Charli I don't really feel like fighting." "You're a dick." "Woah, now you're just overreacting. You're too sensitive it was just a stupid party game." "Too sensitive? At least I'm not an awful person like you." I said fuming, you could probably see steam coming out of my ears. "You know whatever stupid thing we had, it's done." He said, "oh and I want that necklace back too. I'll give it to someone who I actually love." He said walking back inside. The second the door shut behind him hot tears starting falling down my face, I sat down at the step once again, and reached for the necklace, I hadn't taken it off since my birthday, the day he had made Kenzie give me his gift, the day I had gotten the tickets to come here if the first place. I picked up another flower once again tearing off the petals, this time I actually did the 'does he love me does he love me not' it ended on he loves me not.

a/n that ending tho... anyways sorry this took so long I've just been busy with family stuff(all good things!!)but i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, love you!

1134 words 

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