Words Unspoken (Schlatt and Tubbo)

264 11 3

TW: Dr/nking(i), Alc/h/l(o,o), D//th(e,a), Slightly Implied Ab/se(u), Swearing/Yelling
Word Count: 626
Dad!Schlatt AU


Schlatt looks all around him - seeing everyone that he thought was on his side was turned against him. Sweat rolled down his forehead, his tie already undone and the first few buttons of his shirt undone. He gulped, sat on the floor as he took another drink from his liquor bottle. He didn't care anymore. Death was something he accepted, hell, he deserved it.

He noticed there was a crossbow, aimed and loaded, pointed directly at him. Following the weapon, he saw Tommy Innit was on the other side, a stern look on his face. Schlatt felt bad for the kid for what he had to deal with in Pogtopia with Wilbur (He had gotten a note before the war explaining what had happened. He couldn't remember who gave it to him though.)

The air was tense and silent. Schlatt could feel the eyes of everyone staring at him, as he was just sat on the ground, pretty much drunk. His eyes shot to a small movement, locking with other brown ones.

"Tubbo," Schlatt started, his words slurred together as he spoke. "Damn kid, I'm- I'm so sorry, I was such a terrible father to you, kiddo."

The ram child seemed to be taken aback by the kind words, which make Schlatt cringe. He saw the look on Tommy's face switch to confusion, before anger. "You don't get to fucking talk to him like that, like- like apologizing will get you out of this mess, Schlatt. You're gonna fucking die, bitch! You execute your own damn son!"

Schlatt let out a loud and sudden laugh. "You don't think I don't know that? Why the fuck do you think I'm sat here, drinking my ass off? Because I'm a good person?" Schlatt's voice lowered. "I know I'm a piece of scum."

Sudden pain filled Schlatt's chest. He gasped at the sudden feeling, a hand reaching to his heart as he gripped the black fabric of his suit. This was it, he was dying- he was dying and he was never going to come back, never continue to watch his son grow-

Damn, death does change the way you see things. Schlatt saw the light at the end of the tunnel but glanced back. Continuing forward meant leaving Tubbo behind. His ram ears dipped slightly. But - it was worth it. Schlatt wasn't a good person, hell if he was a good father. He didn't deserve to continue in this world.


Tubbo didn't know how to feel. He had just watched his father die in front of him. His still warm body was still hunched over, the alcohol bottle had fallen out of the slumped hand, the butterscotch colored liquid now pouring all over the floor of the drug van. The place where it all started.

Everyone seemed to be in stunned silence, no one sure for the next move. Tubbo wouldn't say he knew Schlatt well, but he did know that Schlatt tried once Tubbo knew that they were related. God, how much Schlatt apologized after Tubbo was executed. How he tried to help Tubbo afterward - the poor boy would go into a PTSD-attack-like-state whenever a creeper exploded or there was thunder for weeks after the festival.

Schlatt was starting to become a father to Tubbo. Tears started to roll down Tubbo's cheeks before the boy even noticed it, hiccups turning into broken sobs as he fell to his knees. Why was he reacting like this? This man didn't even raise him, yet here he is, shaking and crying over the body.

Tubbo wasn't paying attention as he heard other people murmuring behind and around him. A felt a hand on his shoulder, and through blurry eyes, he could make out the red and white shirt of Tommy.

A/N: Hello! This is more of a drabble I made like,,,,, not even two hours ago lmao
But, I was thinking of turning this kinda idea into another work so keep your eyes out on that lmao

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