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TWs; breif, non-descriptive mention of a panic attack

Ranboo has his hands clutched to his head, his hair tightly gripped between his fingers. His feet had just caused him to wander, and now he doesn't know where he was. He wasn't even in the enderwalk state, but he blamed the grief. His breath hitched in his chest, and he removed the black mask he had gotten accustomed to wearing. It was thrown to the ground, forgotten, abandoned just like Tommy-

Ranboo shook his head. He refused to cry, he couldn't, the wounds would only be deeper on his face. The scars had thickened down his cheeks from when he had last cried months ago in his panic room. The enderman hybrid jumped with his felt something nestle him, and he looked to see another enderman there, a full one, with an allium in his hands. The enderman let out a soft little vwoop, handing the flower to the hybrid.

With a sad smile, Ranboo gave a small chirp-like sound as thanks to the enderman, who then sat down next to Ranboo. He learned the others name was Enderbro, and he was visiting from another smaller nation much farther away from here - much calmer, too, apparently. Ranboo held the purple flower close to him, although not close enough to crush the poor plant. The two sat in silence for what seemed to be for hours, based on the way that the sun was just about to set. Ranboo stood up, waving a small goodbye as he held the basket he had - had he brought it with him? - that was full of flowers.

His feet walked through the forest, passing by what seemed to be a large library on his right as he walked. The sun was almost set by the time the ender hybrid had gotten to Tommy's old house. One by one, he took a flower out of the basket, and planted it gently into the soft ground around Tommy's home. Another wave of grief hit Ranboo (He's dead, Tommy's actually dead and gone. Why hadn't Ranboo done something to stop this? It was all his fault, if only Ranboo was exiled and not Tommy.)

Ranboo's mind went onto autopilot as he continued planting the tulips and oxeye daisies around the home.

After all, if you're not thinking, you don't need to remember.

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