One Life Left (Scar and Grian) [3RD LIFE]

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Spoilers for third life final!!!

TWs; Death, blood, murder

And then there were two. Grian didn't know how it happened honestly (that isn't true, you know Scar and Bdubs betrayed you). But Grian was bloodthirsty, unused to the urge to kill that rushed through him from when he turned red. Everything seemed fuzzy as he made his way behind Scar and Bdubs, before shoving his diamond sword into Bdub's back, the blood of the other splattering against the grass. The blond pulled the sword out, as the wide eyed third lifer's body fell to the ground. Grian heard Scar's gasp, and Bdub's shuddering and shaky breath.

Red took over his vision, drowning out any control Grian had left as he felt his body continuously stab the sword through the fallen hermit. He killed you, he deserves this. He took Scar from you, he deserves this, a small voice spoke in his head.

And then there were two.

Grian gulped. Him and Scar, the duo. Scar, who Grian promised his first life to. Scar, who somehow survived to the very end. Scar, who traded stupid pieces of paper that somehow saved his life.

Scar, the only person Grian had trusted on this server.

Scar, who was now the only one besides himself who was left.

Grian heard all of the ghosts of his server mates screaming for blood, for the two to fight. Bdub's body had long disappeared by now, and he felt Scars hand gently take hold of his own. The blond looked up from the bloodied grass to the other man's greyed out face, as he slowly got Grian to get away from where Grian had just murdered someone.

The grass crunched under the pair's feet as they walked down a hill. The ghosts still were chanting for blood (how doesn't Scar hear it? Or was he just used to the dozen voices?)

There was a small little pond, at the bottom of the hill. Grian felt a lump form in his throat as Scar walked the both of them down to the reflective water.

"Grian," Scar spoke, in what seemed to be the first time in forever. "We both know what needs to happen," his voice was soft as he took both of Grian's grey hands into his own. Grian found himself staring into Scar's eyes as he spoke, tears starting to fill on both their eyes. Scar's hands let go of Grian's as two large arms wrapped around his torso.

The two hugged, neither wanting to continue the conversation. Neither wanted to accept that the other would have to die. Quiet sniffling was the only thing that could be heard as the two continued to hold the other in their embrace.

After a few minutes, Scar pulled away with tear streaks on his face. He took off his armour, and Helton his sword out to Grian as the cowboy kneeled to his knees, his head bowed down low. "I want you to survive, Grian." He said, as the shorter let out a broken son. "We both know I was never any good at PVP."

"Scar- I- I can't-" Grian cried. He had spent his whole time on the server to keep Scar alive. He can't- can't go back on that now.

Scar looked back up to Grian, his eyes glossy. He pushed the sword into Grian's hands as the shorter sober out again, his hands shaky. "It's okay, Grian," Scar said, standing up to hug the other again. Gently, Scar helped position the sword so it would go through his chest. "It's okay, I promise. I trust you," Scar spoke, a sad smile on his face. Grian sobbed as he pushed the sword through the other's chest with one hand, falling to the ground as he did so and tightly gripped onto his friend as blood started to drip out of his mouth. Grian saw the life start to drain out of Scar's eyes as he sobbing into the shoulder of his dying friend.

[GoodTimesWithScar was slain by Grian]

coughs. well it had been a month. oops. i mean it says slow updates in the title lmao /lh

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