I'll Make You Love Me: Part One (Scar x Grian)

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Name: I'll Make You Love Me: Part One (Scar x Grian)

Characters: Scar, Grian, Mumbo, Iskall

Ship: Scar x Grian

Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping, Yandere stuff, mentions of syringes

Requested by: That-One-Genderfluid

So uh, yeah, this happened. There will be a part two!

I had to have Grian. Grian was my world - I needed him. The seventeen-year-old had never felt this way about anyone before.

I stood up from my bed, pressing a button on a wall. The bookshelf opened up, leading into my secret room which was covered in photos of the shorter hermit. The pictures covered all of the walls, and when I had ran out of the room, I had started sticking them on the ceiling of the room. A smile fell upon my face as I picked up one of the closer pictures.

It was one of the first pictures I had taken of the blond-haired boy. It was one of him at a beach, his hair was wet and plastered to his face. Grian was laughing with two of his friends - but their faces were scribbled out. I hated them - they were keeping Grian away from me. I flipped the picture over, my thumb passing over the red ink. It was the date and time the picture was taken.

I put the picture back. Tonight would be the night I hatched a plan to get Grian for myself.

---------------------------------- (Grian POV)

Grian sat up and yawned, this weird feeling washing over him. He glanced around, but didn't see anything different. He sighed - he'd been waking up with this feeling for a while now, and he wasn't sure why. It felt like he was being watched as he slept? He shook his head, as if it would clear his thoughts.

He stood up and quickly threw on a red sweater, along with a dark pair of jeans. He checked the time, noticing he woke up late. His eyes shot open as he quickly started to run out of his house, not bothering for breakfast. As he ran down the street, he accidently ran into someone, ending up knocking both of them down and landing on the person.

"Sorry!-" Grian said, blush taking over his face as he noticed the position the two were in.

The other student paused before replying. "Oh- Grian! It's okay!" he said, hiding how flustered he was - his crush was on him! Grian quickly got off of Scar, and helped him up. "Why were you in such a rush?" he asked.

"I woke up and I have to get to school," Grian replied honestly.

"It's only 8:30?" the taller man replied. He honestly couldn't believe he was talking to Grian.

"Wait- what?"

"Yeah. Maybe your alarm was off."

---------------------------------- (Scar POV)

The last bell went off, and I sat up to head over to Grian who was in the same homeroom as he was. "Hey, Grian! Can you follow me for a sec?"

Grian's head perked up when he heard his name. "Me?" he asked. "Uh- yeah, sure. Give me a sec." I smiled in agreement, but when Grian turned away I grimaced. I followed Grian as he started to walk off to Mr. Lincon's homeroom. I scowled as I noticed it was Grian's 'friends' homeroom.

"Hey, Grian!" the swedish exchange student said, causing the other one to look up. Mumbo and Iskall smiled at the sight of Grian, who waved.

"Hey, Iskall. Mumbo. Are you guys able to hang out tomorrow?" Grian asked, who both replied with a yes. They chatted for a bit more before Grian waved goodbye. I noticed Grian walking back to me, and smiled.

"Sorry about the wait," Grian laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "So, where we going?"

"It's a surprise! Follow me," I replied, taking him to one of the unused parts of the school. "I'm storing my art project in one of these empty rooms. I was hoping you could help me move it?" I lied, putting my hand in my pocket as I felt for the syringe before gripping it.

"Oh! Sure, you could have just said that from the beginning," he laughed. I enjoyed his laugh because I generally wasn't close to him when he did so. I mentally shook my head, before opening the door and walking in, making sure Grian followed before locking the door.

"Scar?-" Grian asked, hearing the door lock. I took the syringe and stabbed it into the other neck, injecting the fluid into the other's bloodstream. "Shh," I murmured to him, as he quickly fell asleep.

I smiled. Grian looked so peaceful as he slept. Too bad whenever I tried to get a picture of him sleeping, it was too dark to truly capture the other's beauty.


I hated Mumbo and Iskall. When I went to school the next morning, they continued to question me where Grian was because I was the last one seen with him. I told them he was probably just sick and to leave me alone. Of course, I knew that wasn't true as he was in my basement, tied up. I couldn't trust him yet, but this was for his own safety.

But now, it was the end of the school day and I was already pretty much on my way home to see my love. I entered my house and swiftly made my way downstairs. I smiled sadly as I noticed tears stains were on Grian's cheeks. "Oh, Grian," I mumbled softly, rubbing my thumb across his cheek. He flinched at the unexpected contact.

"Now, you don't have to worry here. I'll make sure to take care of you, dear." A sob tried to leave the blond's mouth, although it was muffled due to the gag that I had tied around his mouth.

"I bet you're hungry, huh?" I asked. He didn't seem to reply. "Now baby, you gotta communicate with me. Nod your head if you're hungry now." Grian didn't do anything for a moment, before slowly nodding.

"Good boy. Now, I'm gonna take the cloth off. You gotta be quiet or you'll be punished. Do you promise you'll be quiet?" Grian nodded again, and so I reached over and untied the cloth around his mouth. "Now, I'll go make you some food, okay? I'll be right back, love."

"P-Please-" he cried as I was about to walk away. "W-Why are you doing t-this?"

"Now, now, I told you to be quiet didn't I?" I replied, leaning close to him even though he couldn't see me due to the blindfold. Grian opened his mouth to say something, but I put my finger on his lips. "This is your last warning. Don't speak~"

I removed my finger, watching for a few moments before going upstairs, making him a sandwich. It was peanut butter, something simple. I debated for a moment before filling up a cup of water and adding a straw to it. I took the items downstairs and heard a quiet cry. A sad smile falls upon my face. "Grian, I got your food," I say, alerting him as he quickly quieted himself.

"It's a peanut butter sandwich, and even some water since you were so good while I was upstairs," I say. He let out a shaky breath. "Open your mouth, I'll feed you. Say when you'd like some water, yes?"

He nodded, hesitantly opening his mouth. I placed a bit of the sandwich in his mouth and fed him. Once he finished, I allowed him to have some water. I put the glass down, wiping some tears off his face. "There's no need to cry, Grian. I'm trying to help you."

WC: 1232

This is my first time writing something like this, so sorry if it's not that well! Hope you all like it!

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