Babysitting: Part One (Scar and Grian)

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Name: Babysitting (AKA, can children have mustaches?)
Characters: Grian, Scar, Mumbo, Xisuma
Ship: Scar and Grian
Trigger Warnings: None? It do kinda be fluff doe o.O

Mumbo might have just happened to be flying past Grian's base. The mustached man noticed the other ex-hermit of the server, and angled himself to land next to him.

He fell face-first into the dark prismarine roof with an 'oof!'. Grian snorted, covering his mouth with his hand. "Are you alright??" he snickered.

"Oh dear- that isn't what I wanted to do," Mumbo replied, sitting up and rubbing his face. "Do you perhaps have a health potion?-" The redstoner asked sheepishly, looking at his health bar.

"Hmm, well I'm not sure I can give a health potion to people who land face-first onto my mansion," he joked. "Come on, follow me down." Grian jumped off his mansion, the light making his elytra shimmer purple as they opened. Mumbo followed after him, watching as his friend used twenty rockets just to get to the front of his base.

Gently landing on the ground, the tall man followed Grian into his base. While Grian left to get the potion from his storage, Mumbo decided to look around when suddenly--

"Boo!" a voice yelled behind Mumbo, causing him to quickly jump and spin around. His wide eyes were met with a laughing Scar.

"Wha- Scar!" Mumbo said, taking a deep breath in.

"oH- Mumbo! I'm sorry- I thought you were Grian-" Scar apologized, noticing his mistake.

"So you think I'm tall?" Grian said, seemingly popping up from nowhere. "Oh yeah, I got the potion for you, Mumbo." Grian handed the tall man the red potion. Mumbo said a quick thank you before opening it. No one noticed how it turned a deep green before Mumbo drank it.

Grian was talking to the wizard and turned to look at Mumbo when he hadn't said anything. His eyes went wide when he saw that Mumbo's clothes were piled on the floor with a lump in the middle of it. "Mumbo??" Grian called out, looking around.

Scar's green eyes shot over to where Mumbo was standing, noticing the lump shifted under the clothing. "Uhh- Gman? What happened?" Scar asked.

"I'm not sure, Mumbo's gone somewhere-" Grian replied, going to pick up the suit so it didn't get wrinkled. Under the clothing was a small, baby-faced Mumbo Jumbo. "Oh, my- Mumbo's a child."

"A kid? How?" Scar kneeled down next to their young friend. His black eyes were wide, not from fear, but from child-like excitement.

"Daddy?" Mumbo said, looking to Grian and Scar. The latter glanced at his sandy-haired friend before looking back at Mumbo. "We're not your parents, Mumbo. Remember us?"

Tears started to pool up on the bottom of his eyes. "You're not my daddies..?" He asked, sniffling.

Grian leaned over and whispered to Scar, "I think we should just go with it? If you're okay with it." The wizard nodded.

"He was just joking, Mumbo. We'll take care of you," Grian said, smiling at him. "Scar, can you watch him? I think I have some clothes upstairs for him."

"Okay, I will." Scar, smiled, watching as Grian walked to another part of his mansion. He pulled out his communicator, messaging Xisuma.

<GoodTimesWithScar whispers to xisumavoid: hey X, there's kinda a problem?- Mumbo is kinda. . . Like four or five?>
<xisumavoid whispers to GoodTimesWithScar: really? Do you know how it happened>
<GoodTimesWithScar whispers to xisumavoid: no, not really. We're at grians base btw>
<xisumavoid whispers to GoodTimesWithScar: ok, I'll be right there>

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