Her (Un)Forgotten Past (Niki and Jack)

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TW: Killing a dear, blood, mention of assassinations
this was my creative writing assignment and I figured "hey, why not try and write Niki and Jack?" forwarding - Jack is very ooc

Niki paced back and forth, her feet hitting the wooden floorboards of her winter-wonderland cabin. She shivered, walking over to a pile of logs next to her fireplace, before throwing another one into the fire. The girl was glad she had thought to stockpile timber in her own home, and not just in the measily shed outside. Sitting down in front of the crackling fire, her hands out in front of her to warm them up, she looked outside as snow seemed to slow down, the wind not as harsh as it hit the windows of the spruce cabin.

The girl sighed, relishing in the warmth of the fireplace for just another moment before standing up. The blizzard outside was becoming tamer, which was good. Going next to her front door, there was a coat rack that held her winter items. She quickly threw on the stocking cap, covering her blonde hair and the now-dulled out pink streaks that framed her face. Niki also threw on her thick, winter coat which was lined with fur on the inside along with a pair of gloves so her hands don't freeze. The shovel next to her door would come in handy, as she opened the door there was a wall of snow just shorter than the 5'4 girl herself.

"Guess I have some work to do." The girl hummed to herself as she worked, the metal shovel making her hands cold even with the warm gloves she had put on. She didn't have to imagine was it was like without the gloves, she remembered clearly from the first time a blizzard had happened when she first moved here four years ago. A sad smile fell on her face, she had only been seventeen then. Niki shook her head - no need to dwell on the past.

Making quick work of the snowdrift in front of her door, she was able to go outside into the frigid cold temperatures. Before she leaves, she makes sure to grab her bow with a brown quiver which had around fifteen arrows inside its leathery surface.

Dragging herself through the knee-high snow, she wadded through, eventually making her way to her feebly shed. She doesn't know how it hasn't been blown over from strong winds yet but was thankful nonetheless as she opened the flappy door.

Quickly grabbing a plastic - yet large and sturdy for the purpose - sled, grabbing it from the ropes that allowed her to pull it. The red sled glided over the snow as she walked through, hoping to find an animal. Her breath clouded in front of her face and she shivered again.

Niki walked through the forest that surrounded her cabin, knowing the woods like the back of her hand as she traveled, not having to worry about being lost. Crouching down when the girl spotted a deer, she pulled an arrow out of the quiver that rested on her back and put it in the bowstring, pulling it back before the arrow was flying through the air. The silent attack hit its mark, hitting the deer in the shoulder as the animal fell to the ground, unable to get up from the wound. Niki stood up to her full 5'4 height, pulling a dagger out of her pants pocket and trudging through the snow to the animal, quickly killing it.

The girl always killed the animals she hunts quickly. She had always liked animals, and always felt bad about hunting them, but she needed to get food somehow. Pulling the sled with her, she's able to move the deer's body onto the sled. Pulling was now harder with the extra weight on it, but the smooth surface made it easier than if she was carrying the carcass by itself.

Taking a different route back home, she comes across some blood staining the winter white snow pink. It wasn't abnormal to see blood, per se, but normally it wouldn't be in a path like this was. Which meant it most likely wasn't an animal that was bleeding, but a human that was walking to where her cabin was located.

Quickly as she could, she followed the path to which she saw a man limping towards her home. She loaded her bow with an arrow, calling out for the man, her voice horse from disuse. "Hello? What are you doing at my home?"

The man turned around, red and blue glassed resting on his face (were those 3D glasses?). Niki noticed a dark red liquid seeping down the man's leg. He was underdressed for this weather, only having a black suit on with a blue and red checkered tie.

"Are you Agent N? I've been looking for you," the man replied. His face seemed pale and his lips were blue. Niki raised an eyebrow, slowly lowering her bow but still having a grip on it in case. "I've been searching for a few months. Very interested in your career."

"You look freezing. Follow me, and I'll let you inside so you don't freeze." Niki moved forward past the mystery man, pulling the sled to the side of the door. She walked up the wooden stairs and opened the door, allowing the man to walk inside first.

Niki swiftly made some tea, getting some for herself and the man in her living room. He was sat in front of the fireplace, and Niki hoped it would help warm him up. She gave him the small glass of the warm tea and spoke. "So you said you were interested in my past career?"

"Yes, yes. I've heard about you, Agent N. Very good record," the man said.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about. I don't even know your name, nor you know mine."

"Formalities, formalities. My name's Jack, ma'am. And yours?" He held his hand out for Niki to shake. His hand retracted under the blanket he was under when she didn't move.

"I'd rather not say. I ask you why you tried to find me?"

"Well, you see, I know you're an assassin and I'd like to pay you for some work." Niki's face falters before she was able to catch herself.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." Niki crossed her arms, her tone controlling. "I kindly invited you to my home, and you come into here talk about something you claim to know. If you're going to keep up like this, I recommend you leave now."

Jack stood up, a glare hidden behind his glasses as he stood up. "Fine," he snarled. "I was willing to pay good money for your services." He repressed a wince as he walked out of the house, the heavy oak door slamming behind him.

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