His Last Life (Tommy and Tubbo)

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wow another upload?

Name: His Last Life
Fandom: Dream SMP
Characters: Tommy, Tubbo, Minor Techno, Jshlatt, and Wilbur
Trigger Warnings: Murder, death

Context: An AU where every character gets three canon deaths.


"Tubbo! Big man- big T!" Tommy called out to the youngest member as he entered Pogtopia. The boy merely glanced up at Tommy, unable to even bring a smile on his face. Tommy took notice, his demeanor dropping into a more serious one as he looked at his freckled friend in his light blue eyes. "Tubbo?" He asked in a quieter voice. "Are you alright?"

"I really don't wanna talk about it, Tommy. . ." Tubbo's voice was quiet and shaky as if he was on the verge of tears. He was grabbing the tops of his arms, his face looking at the stone ground beneath his feet.

Tommy rushed to his friend, capturing him in a hug. The taller one held onto Tubbo as he started to cry into the taller's chest. "Shh, shh, it's okay. It's gonna be okay, Tubbo. I'm here for you, I'll always be here for you."

"Schlatt- he- he took my second life, Tommy- he k- he killed me, Tommy, he killed me and-" Tubbo cried, shaking and sobbing, clinging onto Tommy's chest like a lifeline. Tommy's eyes widened in shock.

"That means you only have one life left-" Tommy said, tears starting to prick at his eyes at the realization. Tommy runs small circles into his best friend in an attempt to comfort him. "Shh, shh, it's gonna be okay."


Tubbo stood out in front of the crowd of Manberg, his voice speaking loudly so everyone could hear him. The bee-lover was asked to give a speech, and so he was giving one.

"Is that all you have to stay?" Jchlatt asked, a sinister look on his face as he asked Tubbo this. Tubbo gulped but shook his head.

"Nope! And with that, let the festival begin!" Tubbo called out, a fake smile on his face. The crowd cheered for a moment before cutting silent as clamps trapped Tubbo in place. He couldn't get out - he couldn't move.

"Schlatt- I'm actually stuck Schlatt-" Tubbo said, his face paling and his body starting to shake. His breath was starting to pick up and he felt sick down to his cord. His whole body was screaming at him, he was in danger, he needs to get out of there-!

Tubbo couldn't even reach his inventory for an ender pearl - what could he do?! Panic continued to move through Tubbo's body, his brain no longer processing words being spoken. He tried to look out, but everything was a blurry mess. Was he crying? It could explain the burning pain in his eyes.

"-Fucking kill him! Kill him on this stage, right fucking now Technoblade! Murder that traitor on this goddamn stage!" He heard Schlatt say.

Techno? Was Techno here? Tubbo couldn't focus, nothing was in focus for his eyes.

Then he saw pink and red.

"I'm sorry, Tubbo." The quiet voice of one of his unofficial brothers said.

Then there was a flash of red and blue and white with a loud bag before darkness.




A scream of pure agony and rage broke the deafening silence of the firework going off. With all his strength, he threw the ender pearl as far as he could. The peak broke, causing him to stumble when he landed. The clamps had released once Tubbo was murdered, his body limp and crumpled to the ground.

"Tubbo!" Tommy cried out, grabbing Tubbo's lifeless body, feeling as the heat was already starting to drain. Chaos rained off behind him - he didn't care. His best friend - his brother - was killed by another one of his family! Techno was meant to be on their side! Why did he kill Tubbo?!

Sobbing into Tubbo's green shirt every memory flashed through Tommy's mind. Sitting on the bench and watching the sunset, doing random things. No more Big Law or Big Crime or Tubo - they were all just ripped away from him like nothing.

Anger and grief fueled Tommy's mind. He was angry at Techno for killing Tommy and not the dictator Jschlatt, angry at Jschlatt for killing Tubbo before and exiling him and Wilbur out of Manberg, separating the two friends.

Tommy was angry at Dream.

If Dream never took Tommy's disks, none of this would have fucking happened!

"Why isn't he respawning?" Wilbur, at some point, must've made his way up here. Now that Tommy was listening, he didn't hear the sounds of fighting and war happening.

In a quiet voice, Tommy replied with a simple answer.

"Techno took his last life."

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