Preference 6

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Their ideal type of girl (looks aside)

Eren would most likely want to find a partner who is understanding and patient given that he has quite some issues putting his emotions in the right place on his own. They would probably have a strong will and determination, the same as him. Eren probably want a partner who has dreams of her own and knows what she wants for her life. A woman with no direction or plan wouldn't even be an option for him.

Armin would probably fawn over somebody who is just as much of an intellect enthusiast as he is Someone who can teach him something, whilst they learning from him as well. He would likely hope for confident, frank lady as he would love a woman who is strong in herself and morals.

Jean definitely needs someone who can put up with his bullshit, and call him out whenever he's being too much. I can see him liking a very passionate girl, one who has different things she enjoys. He would also like a sassy girl, not just someone who can handle him, but someone who speaks her mind when herself or someone else is threatened. I can see him liking a girl who may be tough starved, because, that would make him feel good that you want to be so close to him and hold his hand.

So his ideal type would be someone who can keep up with that side of him, someone who is reliable, dependant, clean, respectful. Levi needs someone with a warm heart and a more sweet personality to melt his cold detached exterior. However, he probably wouldn't enjoy a partner that is overly giggly and loud or someone who makes foolish jokes. I see him falling for someone with depth and a good amount of cuteness that is still powered by a mature and warm personality.

Marco would probably want a girl that is kind hearted and good natured, however, she won't put up with others crap. He would like a girl that builds him up, and lets him know that she is there to help him with whatever he need. I can see him having a girl who is a bit flirty, in a teasing way. Someone who can keep him guessing.

Connie needs a girl that can handle his energy, and impulsiveness. Connie seems like the kind of guy to be family oriented, so a girl who has her future planed out and wants a family would be a plus. She would need a good sense of humor, playful, and has a good head on her shoulders. Since he doesn't make the best decisions all the time, I can see him liking a girl who is smart and has quick wit.

He needs someone who can see past his guarded and quiet nature to the potential that he has lying inside him. Since he's so quiet and shy, it can be assumed that he'd need someone who would be alright with his pace, but unafraid to take charge if the situation called for it. I feel like he would need someone who is more extroverted, but no to far out there. Someone who can make him laugh and show him a fun time, while still protecting him. Ultimately, his s/o would need to be strong when he starts to feel weak or anxious.

I think he'd be attracted to a kind and caring person–someone unafraid of his massive PTSD. Someone who will listen and tries to understand him. I think Reiner needs someone who he can relax around, free of judgment and outside stress. In addition to that, I think Reiner would enjoy someone with a good, playful sense of humor, seeing that he himself has that.

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