Chapter 11: Life and Death

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Hey guys!!! Thanks for doing what I asked, next up is the epilogue, and, for those of you who like R rated scenes, I am making a bonus chapter, or it will be included in the epilogue! The choice is yours! You can make a vote! Just say where you want it, Bonus chapter or just in the epilogue in your comments! Majority wins.

Now, the moment youve all been waiting for! 

Chapter 11: Life and Death

I watched Ailen as he walked towards me with a slow gait. I should be shaking but I wasn't, Ailen noticed this and looked at me confused, even I was confused, why wasn't I shaking? I know for a fact that I am scared what hes about to do, There's no way I wouldn't be so… Why? I was then It hit me, with my head bowed Ailen couldn't see my expression so I was grateful. With a smile on my face I realized, “ I believe in him…” I lifted my head a small smile on my face with my eyes closed and slowly I opened them to look at Ailen's crimson dead eyes.

“I believe in Sesshomaru, he may be cold and won't admit he cares…. But I know he’ll come for me.” With that said I concentrated as hard as I could using my magic to force a barrier around my body, it was big enough for two but only enveloped me, atleast now he won't be able to touch me.

“He smirked at me slightly liking the challenge, “Lets see how long you can keep that up…. Koneko.” The sound of him saying my name caused shock to course through me. “I can wait….”

8 hours later I was on the last string of strength I had left at the moment I was weak and I knew I wouldn't last much longer of this. How much longer did I have? 5 … maybe 4 minutes? No… I had to keep this up until he came for me. Looking up I made note of the progress of using my claws to cut through the chains… And… Now! The chains broke dropping me to the ground roughly.


I just barely suppressed the cry of pain I so desperately wanted to release, my shoulder was dislocated since I had fallen on my side. I was too weak to continue keeping up the barrier, so I had no choice but to let it down, the instant ‘I did Ailen stood to his feet and oh so slowly, oh so tauntingly walked over to me, but before he could get any closer; a blur of white was draped over me, it was warm and fluffy…. it was so familiar and comforting


“Sesshomaru…?” My voice was a weak barely audible whisper but he heard, looking over to me he gave a slight nod as though to reassure me. Just by looking into his golden eyes made me feel all the more safe and protected, I felt like I could have cried, the relief of the knowledge that he was here to protect me was almost overwhelming.

I heard Ailen bellow in rage, I was curious as to what he was about to do so I looked up and watched as he pulled out Excalibur. My breath left me, Sesshomaru was still looking at me and had sensed the danger, he instantly spun around and blocked Ailens attack.

(Sorry! But its time to play the song!)


Their swings were wide and filled with determination, I wasn't just going to lay there like a damsel in distress, with my body still weak though I knew just standing up would be a challenge, but I knew Ailen had some trick up his sleeve, he never fought fairly and even Sesshomaru wouldn't be able to survive many of them. Ailen had many weapons that were either of holy origins or were blessed, these would fatally would any demon it didn't matter if it was even a nick.


My fear clouded my judgment, I was so afraid that Sesshomaru would get hurt and die, that I ignored the protest of my body and stood up. My legs trembled beneath the weight of my body, and that was definitely a bad sign since I was actually quite light. Shooting forward at a speed that surprised even myself I stood in front of Sesshomaru just as Ailen swung Excalibur down.

His swing left a large deep wound beginning from my right shoulder to my left hip, blood poured like a river from my stomach. My body feeling incredibly heavy, I fell backwards, and warmth surrounded my cold body.


Looking up I saw Sesshomaru’s golden eyes staring right back at me, he held me close, my body now wrapped up in his white fluff. Vision Blurring, lungs burning, heart slowing, all I could do was stare at his golden orbs; needing to paint a perfect picture in my mind. He actually looked a little shocked, and dare I say it? Worried.

I smiled, feeling like I had to reassure him, reassure him that I would be okay, even though it was fairly obvious I wouldn't be. Leaning towards him, I placed my lips on his neck, it was the closest I could get to his cheek, I was too weak to do much else so I just let my bloody lips leave a mark before I whispered to him. “Thank you, Sesshomaru.”


I guess you could say that was the moment I realized I could have actually found where I belong. Right beside him. Being with him had felt so natural, too bad it couldn't last forever right? My eyes started to close, slowly, it was almost like slow motion, Sesshomaru’s eyes widened and he shook me, before long, my eyes closed and I was left in the darkness.

3rd Person:


Sesshomaru Laid Koneko down on the ground, her blood staining not only his fluff but also her white porcelain skin as well. Her eyes had closed and her body no longer held life, Koneko Maika was dead. And. Sesshomaru was not happy.

Mockery and insanity bled from his voice“Aww the bitch died. Oh well, If I kill you I can use your hair, I just need to be care so I don't stain it, her soul howe-” Ailen never finished his sentence. Sesshomaru wrapped his hand around Ailens neck his eyes whites now red in angry “You, will, DIE”


Ailen started to laugh Maniacally and lifted his sword but in seconds it disintegrated, Koneko’s blood had acted as a poison and had destroyed the sword, eating away at its foundations. His eyes went wide before he glared hatefully at Sesshomaru. “That whore did this!! You must feel smug~ Finally you get revenge! What shall it be?! Slow torturous death?! Or will you enjoy tortu-” Ailen shocked as Sesshomaru squeezed his throat.

Sesshomaru wasn’t going to stand here and listen to this worthless bastards words. He was insane and likely had been since birth. Blood gushed from his mouth, not long before Sesshomaru completely separated his head from his body using his hands. Ailens body fell lifelessly to the ground.

It was finally over, well almost. Sesshomaru sheathed Tokijin and walked to Koneko. Taking out Tensaiga he silently and subconsciously prayed for this to work.
“Live, Koneko.” That was the first time he ever said her name. A bright light came from Tensaiga and soon the dungeon like room was bathed in a blinding white light.


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