Authors Note: important!!

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Kay. So. I want to know how you all want this ending. I have a rough idea of what I want but no way to go about it!!! So. I'm giving three choices. To. You the reader.
Just not the choices aren't exact. Reason being because I don't want to ruin the end. It may look like I'm explaining how the end will go. But believe me. It isn't.

Also. I'm not saying koneko is alive or dead. Nor am I saying this is a tragedy like Romeo and Juliet where sesshy kills himself afterwords or dies of grief. Those are secrets.

1: 500 years later present day. This could end up just being a summary of Sesshomarus life afterwards and his own eventual death with an update of konekos friends. Or it could be an actual scene with dialogue.

2: a downright continuation of the previous chapter with a tiny paragraph of how Sesshomaru or Sesshomaru and koneko love for the continuing years or days.

3. both! It starts out present day (500 years later.) and has a flashback of what happened after koneko died. This May or may not have an update on konekos friends. It will depend on how it goes in the making.

And while I am stumped I must apologize!!

I know you guys hate waiting for updates and especially the last chapter. I've just had exams and I'm now in a new semester with tons of homework. I'll work on this as much as I can!!! Again I'm sorry!

Comment your choice below and if you so wish add your own twist.

I would also like to know. Which do you think will do better? Koneko dies? Or she lives? Add the answer to your comment!!


Fellow halfbreeds. 😸

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