Chapter 2: Great.... I'm a child's pet...

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As always the weekly update and authors note. Please comment and vote! Also!!! DONT HATE ME!!!

Warning: I am not responsible for any killer and murderous thoughts it is only "His" Fault.

Dedicated to Sesshomaru_Itachi! She was the first pperson to  tell me how My book was, she was also one of the first people to give me the drive to continue writing.

I had been wandering the forest for hours! And I had yet to find Kaede’s village. You must be wondering, If I’ve seen the show, shouldn't I know the way? Not really, they never do show exactly where to go.”I give up! Me and my stupid sense of direction!” I actually don't have a bad sense of direction, I’m just not sure where to go in general. I know if I went to the village I’d possibly meet Inuyasha, but just standing here too, I’ll be attacked any second by demons.

From what I gather I have completely transformed! No, not like sailor moon. I obviously have a tail and ears now, my physical appearance is basically the same however now I am wearing a black top with blue frills at the top and blue straps, the shirt stops a little above my belly botton. For bottoms I have black short shorts with a white belt that hangs off the side, my shoes are knee high and have laces going all the way up, a very small heal, thats about it.. My irises are like a cats and My nails are now black and very sharp, not to mention I have three blue scratches on each cheek. And I now had small bells holding my buns together.

I looked up to the top of the sacred tree, maybe if I climbed it I’d get a better view… With this in mind I ran up the tree, Like a boss. Sitting on the leaves at the top of the tree I saw endless forest on one side, on the other I saw mountains and a small but humble village, “There it is! I just need to get do-!” Before I could finish speaking I fell down from the top of the tree and onto the ground. My butt was now stinging...“Great…. Thats not gonna stop hurting.” My bag was still at my side as I stood So I took out my Ipod and put on some Inuyasha music fits the occasion.

It took me a full hour to make it to the village, walking in People were staring at me weirdly, because of this my ears flattened against my head and my tail puffed up feeling threatened. So I quickened my pace not wanting to stay anywhere close to them, “Stupid people and their stares… so uncomfortable” I was mumbling as I speed walked to Lady Kaede’s hut, what I saw was quite shocking, Kagome was with Inuyasha and they were headed somewhere…

Kagome had her feet damaged! Does that mean that we’re at the part after they escaped the demons belly? If so that would mean I’m at the end of the series! That doesnt make sense though… Shouldn't I enter near the beginning or at the episode I last watched? Seems like fanfictions aren't always correct. When I was sure they were gone I walked to the hut and slowly entered. “Pardon me Lady Kaede, but can I ask a favor?” Everyone: Sango, Miroku, Kirara, Shippo, And Lady Kaede, all of them looked up at me and I watched as their eyes widened at my appearance.

“Are ye not half demon? What need be I to you?” I smiled at her, a genuine smile, “I need help getting somewhere, And I am actually full demon.” She truly looked surprised by what I had said…. Seems like only half demons have ears… The tail I’m not so sure about.  Kaede seemed to understand that I didn't need escorts but a quick way Of getting where I need. Nodding She turned to Sango “Sango, can ye take the child where she wishes?”

“Yes lady Kaede.”  At this point I had blocked out so I hadn’t heard their response. Sango stood up and exited the hut with Kirara following not far behind, it took me a second to realize she was my ride. Flustered at my obliviousness I quickly bowed in thanks to Lady Kaede before I followed Sango. When I got outside I saw she was on top of a larger Kirara, all ready. “Lets go!” I nodded and got on Kirara. It didn't take long before we got to where I wanted to go. Gonryomaru’s castle. I Jumped off of Kirara and turned to look at Sango. “Thank you for bringing me here. It was nice meeting you Sango! Bye!” I left before she could reply, it was then that I noticed. How am I able to understand them? And How can they understand me? Anyways it doesn’t matter. I quickly ran to the area where Gonryomaru was buried and I Wasn't surprised in the least when I found it was empty.

“I knew it….” He’s gone….. I couldn't help but sigh, I was hoping to catch Sesshomaru, I’ve always thought if I ever came here the one person I would find the most intriguing was Sesshomaru. I turned around and shifted into a small cat. I should be able to smell them out. I poked my black nose into the air and sniffed the air, when I caught the scent of a human girl I couldn't help but think of Rin, and as we all know. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, or rather, she, in this case. Small hands picked up my small white fluffy body and spun around with me in the air. I was so~ Dizzy.

“Can we keep her Lord sesshomaru?” Knowing the voice of the young girl I looked down to find Rin. What…. did she just say? Keep me? I’m not a pet! I started to struggle and meow not wanting to be kept like a pet. “Aww don’t worry I’ll take care of you.” Wait! He’s letting her keep me!? I looked over at Sesshomaru and glared, naturally he looked at me with disgust. Guess the doggy doesn't like cats…. well.. I’m a kitten… but that doesnt matter!! I will not be a pet! But…. I knew I wouldn’t be getting out of this any time soon so… I relented.

Rin was smiling, quite happily I might add, as she pet me and sat on Ah’Un’s back. Sesshomaru walked a little ahead and Jakens voice was beginning to annoy me. “RIN!” I obviously hadn’t been paying attention but his voice!! Gracious lord just kill me now! My temper getting the best of me, I snapped. Hissing and meowing at Jaken I scratched him and attacked him, jumping on his face as I did so. Once I was satisfied with the damage I jumped off his face and flipped as I did so, when I landed on the ground I didn’t go to Rin, instead I went to Sesshomaru.

As we all know cats are very lazy whenever they wish, and since I am already abnormally lazy, I climbed the white fur of Sesshomaru's and curled up on the area of the fur that rested on his shoulder. It was so comfortable… Like, I could sleep there forever. Eventually I fell asleep though it was obvious Sesshomaru did not approve of me sleeping here although, did that stop me? No.

2 months later.

It has officially been two months since Rin took me with her and Sesshomaru….. I shall not name the toad I have come to call -He who shall not be named-, in other words, Voldemort. I often sleep upon Sesshomaru’s  shoulder or on his head, and rather than be sad about it, Rin actually likes it. Sesshomaru seems to have gotten over the fact that I am a cat….. Is what I like to say but he is still having some issues. It appears that there was quite a time difference between the end of Inuyasha and the beginning of Inuyasha the final act. So I was actually beginning  to get a little bored.

“Lord of the western lands! I shall kill you and eat your powers!” A giant ogre like demon attacked Sesshomaru head on, taking a swing at him with his arm, Sesshomaru used his poison whip lashing at the demon. It was very obvious from the first attack that Sesshomaru was the stronger one, so the demon being the coward he is went for Rin and Jaken, I knew that I didn’t have to do it but instinct kicked in causing me to jump in the way of his attack. His claws slashed at my small body causing me to fly off. I hit a tree roughly, my body smacking against it. I slid to the ground coughing up blood and breathing heavily.

I hadn’t even realized that the fight was over. Rin ran over to me cradling my body in her cupped hands, I felt bandages wrapping around me, encasing my wounds. A familiar fluffiness surrounded me causing me to sink into its warmth. I could just barely make out what Sesshomaru said. “You protected Rin…. Why?”

I guess that is a good question. Why did I protect Rin? Well… It could be because I’ve always wanted a little sister, I would say daughter but I’m a bit young to have thoughts like that. I have always been protective of people regardless of whether or not I like them, with Rin, since I actually care about her, I am quite protective of her, even though Jaken annoys me I still care, same with Sesshomaru; he may not like me all that much but I care about him.

With these thoughts in my mind I slowly drifted off into a empty, and dreamless sleep.

Harvest moon (Inuyasha)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ