Chapter 5: It hurts... I want to die

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I was sick over the weekend! DX Blech, but Oh well. I have a weak immune system and get sick often. Ive almost finished the book! Im onto chapter 10, I'm planning to make it 14 chapters tops.

My birthdays next week!! The big 16 I plan on going to see.... Drumroll please.

ANNABELLE!!!! Awesome sauce. I love scary movies! Let me know what you think of Ailen on a rating of 1-10 how much do you hate this son of a bitch..... Or is it Oak? 

Something to ponder -strokes imaginary beard.- To the thinking chair!

Remember to~


Comment!!!! (I WANT COMMENTS XD)


Chapter 5: It hurt’s, I want to die.

With my sandals back on, I grabbed a long chain and wrapped it around my hand and arm before I left through the main entrance. It was like that moment when two doors open and someone steps out in slow motion. My headphones were in my ears and music from my Ipod was playing. Since I can control the elements, my Ipod never runs out of power. I just put power in it by touching it and since the headphones were wireless and just go in your ears where no one would notice them. I can also control my ipod with my mind!

The doors slammed shut behind me. My hands rested on my hips as I waited for the dog demon Sesshomaru and his half demon brother, Inuyasha. Do I really want to fight them? Probably not...but I was still going to. A gust of wind blew my hair upwards just as Sesshomaru and Inuyasha arrived. Inuyasha being obviously peeved by Sesshomaru’s appearance.

“Naraku is mine Sesshomaru! So stay out of my way!!!” There goes the classic line Inuyasha says and now comes the- “Quiet yourself halfbreed” Insult. I was beginning to silently fume at them. It was annoying listening to them argue like this in real life. I lifted my hand and lightning instantly charged down from the sky and connected with the palm of my hand. Both of the arguing fools, though its slightly one sided, turned their heads and looked at me. Sesshomaru looked at me strangely for a moment and for some reason, I felt uneasy.

Sesshomaru brought out his sword; Tokijin. Inuyasha did the same with Tetsusaiga. Both were now focused upon the white haired, ninja dressed female, me. I looked up at them through my hair, since it was blocking my face. I brought my hand down sending the column of lightning towards Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Both easily jumped out of the way, not even gaining a scratch from the small attack.

My hand tingled with the feeling of lightning coursing through me. Now we all know these two boys; they can’t work together, so naturally when they jumped out of the way, they slammed right into each other. Next; fire wrapped around my arm and shot towards them taking the form of a dragon, “Windscar!”

Three lines of energy were aimed towards me. But before they could touch me, I swept my hand and the attack was redirected to the side. Inuyasha stared at me like I just killed his puppy. I kinda feel bad…I shook my head trying to clear it, and this caused me to lose focus. Sesshomaru was standing in front of me with Tokijin raised and ready to attack me.

Note to self: Pay attention. Having no time to counter attack or defend, I pushed towards him using my body to shove him. We fell to the ground my body on top of his and my face in his chest. When I had jumped forward, I used my air and ground magic to propel my body toward him. This caused my speed to be borderline unstoppable. When Sesshomaru swung his sword at me, my arm was deeply cut. Blood ran down my arm. It’s heat tickling my skin.

I jumped up from his body, landing on the ground just a few feet away. Roars of demons filled my ears. Their voices so close, you could feel the vibrations in the air. So this is how Naraku planned it. Thousands of demons were in the air circling us. My cat instincts hating the presence of their vile souls. My sharp black nails elongated as I bolted forward. “Tell us where Naraku is!!!” Inuyasha screamed at me wanting the location of a man we both hated. How unfortunate that I don't have that information...

Inuyasha’s backlash wave was headed right for me as Sango, Kagome, Miroku and Shippo all entered the clearing. I didn't move. I only lifted my arm that was wrapped in the chain and swung it to the side. The chain untangled and just as I was about to counter, I saw Rin Ah’un and Jaken. My eyes zoned in on the little girl who hid behind a rock that had been placed as decoration. If I attacked, she would get hurt. I knew this because she was in the line of fire. My body was frozen and the hesitation to attack was obvious. Sango and Miroku recognized me and shouted at Inuyasha. Their words incoherent to my own ears. The backlash wave hit me hard; thrusting my body up in the air where the demons lay in wait. Once I was high enough, their smells enveloped my senses. My body became paralyzed and my throat stopped working, making it hard to breath.

My ears perked becoming visible as my tail unfurled from the pants and poked out of a hole. My irises became thinner and longer, while my small fangs sharpened. Hissing in anger, I began to fall back down. My body naturally twisting so I landed on my feet. The impact of landing winded me ever so slightly, my body just barely shaking. Sesshomaru attacked next his sword driving through my shoulder in my moment of stupidity. My guard had been down leaving me open for an attack. I didn't cry out as my blood gushed from the wound that went all the way through.

Inuyasha screamed at Sesshomaru saying that I was beat and didn't need to die. The rest was lost to me. Sesshomaru brought his hand back, his claws gleaming as he got ready to pierce my heart. “Lord Sesshomaru!” Rins voice rang through the courtyard making everyone snap their heads to her. Her voice seeming to do something to Sesshomaru made him lower his arm and yank his blade from my shoulder. He walked away as my teeth clenched in silent anger. Why couldn't he just kill me?!

Kagome and Inuyasha both looked at me, while Kirara ran over to me. “Kirara” Sango was obviously surprised at this behaviour. I wasn't, Kirara had cat genes in her, she knew what I was. I patted Kirara’s head and pet her before looking at Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku. “Go. Naraku is gone.” I didn't stay to see their reactions. Jumping to the wall of the castle, I ran into the forest.

After several hours, I found a small pond with a waterfall. It looked peaceful, making me stop and stare. Maybe I should sit for a little bit and enjoy it. Right when that thought went through my mind, a hand burst through my stomach. Looking behind me, I saw Ailen, “Akuma-shin, the last one to live…and die, Goodnight Shi, have fun in the underworld.” Black dots danced in my vision. The quick work of his poison working through my system. He had probably soaked his hand in it...My body began to grow cold. My ears and tail sagged right as he ripped his arm from my stomach and dropped my black shorts and black and blue lace, pirate like top beside me. I don't know how long I laid there. My undone wavy silver hair cascading around my body, stained with my blood. My mouth slightly open and my eyes drooping closed.

The last thing I saw was small bare feet and a soft voice. “You’re okay now,” as the person kneeled it became apparent that it was a small girl in an orange kimono with brown hair..


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