Chapter 9: Flower Crowns Are Hard To Make

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Hey guys!!! Once again, thank you for the comments, this time I'm asking for 10 comments and 10 votes! Rememeber the votes and comments must be on THIS chapter, also comments made by the same person or myself doesnt count!

Hope you have a great day! 

Merry christmas!

Chapter 9: Flower crowns are hard to make.

My eyes were wide in shock. Not only did it not hurt, but it felt good. Liquid fire coursed through my veins, igniting a passion I didn't even know I had. Of their own accord my eyes closed and my arms wrapped around his torso. The kiss was heated and passionate. Our lips moved in sync roughly and quickly. Pressing me against the tree, his kiss became harder asking for entrance that I almost gave in… Almost


Realization hit me hard. I was suppose to be mad at him! Not kissing him like he was the air I breathed! I tried pushing him away, but he was too strong. So instead...I brought my hand up and slapped him. The sound of my hand meeting his cheek resounded across the forest. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! You can't just come over here and kiss me!” I yelled furiously at him and took a deep breath to calm myself He stared at me blankly before leaning in and at first, I thought he was going to kiss me again. But instead, he brought his mouth to my neck and bit down hard breaking the skin.


He sucked at my blood, the feeling of it leaving my body was strange…Like something was rushing out, It was the same feeling as when you pull or brush your hair. The sensation wasn’t uncomfortable, in fact, I liked it. His mouth against my neck, and his body caging me against the tree. I knew this was his way of punishing me, though I don't think he expected it to go this way.


A soft moan escaped my mouth and in response, one of his hands went to the back of my head and gripped it tightly, while his other laid flat against my lower back and pulled me forward. With my body pressed even closer to Sesshomaru, heat erupted everywhere.”Se- Sesshomaru…” My whole body was wrapped in his embrace and even though I should be mad…I forgot the reason as to why. His touch was causing my mind to draw up a blank.


As I lost more and more blood I became weaker, my strength leaving me and my body going limp. Sesshomaru slowly removed his fangs and leaned his head back away from my neck. My breathing came out in short hot gasps, my emotions on a high. I was confused and…A- aroused? Licking my dry lips to moisten them I stared right into Sesshomaru’s eyes, my anger slightly spiked by what he had done, however my confusion won over. We all know the saying curiosity killed the cat.


Sesshomaru picked me up bridal style and looked ahead of him as he started to walk back to the house. The walk was held in silent acceptance of what had happened. I didn’t really know what to say. I mean, what would you say if a cold, chocolate-smelling, dog demon kissed you like it was his only and last chance. No idea? Not surprising.


Before I knew it, we were at the house. I was limp and sleepy in his arms feeling like it was only seconds before I fell asleep and gave in to the darkness that beckoned me. Eventually I did fall asleep, the gentle swaying movements lulling me like a baby in a crib.

Light blinded me as I opened my eyes and was greeted by the morning sun, it was a hot spring day. I heard the sound of bounding footsteps running down the hall to my room, Who could it be? I know for a fact Sesshomaru would not be running to my room, and even if he was he wouldn't need to take so many steps. My door burst open and I was greeted with a sight low and behold. It was Rin! Why was Rin here? Did Sesshomaru bring her here? I smiled at her not really knowing what else to do and she smiled right back brightly and warmly.


I slowly stood up and put on my normal outfit. Rin was wearing a nice blue kimono with white blossom patterns on it, it was so cute!!! I walked over to her and crouched down to her level. “Hi Rin, are you here to visit me?”

She nodded her head vigorously “Yes! Lord Sesshomaru said we could spend some time together!”

“That was nice of him, well, wanna go somewhere really beautiful?” I held out a hand to her,

“Yea!” She instantly put her small hand into mine, I grasped it gently and led her out of the walls of the manor and brought her to a beautiful field of flowers, it was surrounded with trees except for one part, that part was a cliff that overlooked the ocean. Rin had her mouth open in awe as though it was one of the most amazing things she had ever seen.


I kneeled on the ground and started to pick some flower, Rin did the same, however at one point she started weaving them to make flower crowns. I had always wanted to learn how so I asked her. “Hey Rin?” She looked at at me and paused from her weaving, “Can you teach me to do those?” She nodded her head and proceeded on showing me how to do it, so I tried to make my own.


Lets just say I had no talent for this, whenever I failed Rin couldn't seem to help herself as she laughed. Her smile was an infectious disease, I wonder how Sesshomaru can keep such a straight face when she smiles at him like this. Laying down in the flowers, I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep. The sun feeling like a warm soft blanket against my skin.


Drifting open my eyes were greeted by the bright light of the sun, however I snapped awake fairly quickly when I heard the scream of a small child, or to be more precise; Rin. I jumped up ignoring the protests of my recovering body. Outwardly I looked fine, but it would still take another week or so for the poison to disappear.


Looking around the field, I saw no one. But when I looked to the cliff, Ailen was standing there holding Rin in his arms grinning like a maniac. “Oh SHI! My wonderful Shi, if you come with me, I let her go.” Gritting my teeth, I glared at Ailen with as much animosity as I was feeling towards him, what would he do if I didn't do what he asked?... That was a stupid question, it was obvious what he planned to do. Kill her. Where’s Sesshomaru when you really need him.

Rin looked scared but she wasnt crying, Gods that kid was strong. She wouldn’t move and only looked at me, never letting her eyes stray anywhere else. Rin’s strength surprised me at first before I remembered that she had been traveling with Sesshomaru since she was a child; the strength she was showing now must be the result of her time with him.


I knew what I had to do. I wasn't going to let him kill her. So, I did the only thing I could do. “Very well.” My voice was calm and even. I began to walk towards him watching him slowly let go of Rin and  pushing her away. The minute he let go of her, he flashed in front of me and grabbed my arm. “Glad you see it my way.” Pulling me to him, he used his demonic powers to fly us into the air; away from Rin. Looking down at Rin, I noticed Sesshomaru burst into the field looking furious, and when he saw me with Ailen…He looked ready to kill.


I smiled down at him watching as he picked up Rin and gave me a determined look that also held anger. He was probably pissed that Rin and I had been out there by ourselves, and that I was kidnapped. His expression also said that he would come for me.

I know you’ll save me He always did.

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