Chapter 3:..... I did NOTHING.

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Chapter 3: ….I did NOTHING..... HE did

Hi guys!! Its september 17th and my moms Birthday. Wow, 42. Yet she looks 30. Lol have a great day

Last chapter I was mistaken. Its THIS One that you might hate me for. So remeber. I am not responsible for any viloent or muderous thoughts. 

Dont kill me. lol I cant wait for the comments!!!!!

PS: WATCH THE VIDEO!!!!!!!! You'll understand why later.

My eyes fluttered opened as I stretched my body. Ahhh… Feels so good to stretch, it felt like I had been asleep for a month, in other words, I felt AMAZING!!!! I curled up into a ball hooking my arms under my legs while my hair tangled loosely around me. My nose twitched as I smelled something truly divine. Meat. And blood. I gripped the fluffiness below me and purred, rubbing my face in the fluff I slowly began to sit up;yawning as I did so.


“So early…..” I was so sleepy, but at the same time I was so energetic. Looking around me I notice that I was sleeping on Sesshomaru’s fuzz, infact Sesshomaru was just about a foot away from me. I couldn't help  but stare at him before sneaking over, he was asleep so I was able to walk over without him noticing, though the main reason was because I was a ninja cat!


When I got close enough I knew he was awake and knew I was there, if he didn't he wouldn't be Sesshomaru. I smiled and rested my elbows on my knees. “So~ I have a question. When did I revert back?” He opened his eyes not surprised by how close I was and didn't even response.

This calls for a quote from D-gray man! I clapped twice before I spoke;“ That's Not very nice of you, Sesshomaru. C’mon, lets play catch with the conversation ball.” This seemed to irritate him since I was smiling a little too sweetly.


“Be quiet woman” My eyes slightly narrowed before I grabbed his ear and pulled it. “I have a name. It’s Koneko Maika. Be a big boy and learn how to use it” I was actually irritated that he had called me woman. I have a really bad temper… Now since I knew Sesshomaru wouldn't just sit there and take it I jumped away from him. He had definitely tried to attack me.

“How dare you disrespect mi-” I just couldn't let him continue…. His voice... I grabbed his staff and hit him like a golf ball. Lets just say I wont be able to hear his screechy voice for a while.


I turned to look at Sesshomaru however at this point he had gotten closer to me so when I turned around his face was right in front of mine, I stepped backwards to get away from his face but Rin ran into me from behind making me gasp in shock and my eyes widen. The force of her body hitting mine caused me to be pushed forward. Now, we’ve all read this scene in a book or Watched it happen in a movie. Did any of us really expect it to happen in real life? I didn't, but hey, life loves messing with you.

Actually. Scratch that out. Life doesn't mess around. It punches us in the face.


So you can all guessed what happened, I’ll give you 3 choices!

A. I fell on him.

B. He just caught me.

C. Our lips locked.

If you guessed A! You were right!

If you guessed B! You were correct!

If you guessed C! You Were WRONG!

I’m kidding, C was also correct!

I felt his body pressed against mine, has hand gripping my left arm right before my mouth pressed against his, now…. I dont know why I didn’t move away from him… or his lips. But I was just frozen in shock. His lips were rough and yet so nice….. I was starting to get dizzy and yet I didn’t know why. What was happening to me? Sesshomaru seemed to get that I wasn’t moving and removed his lips from mine, the loss of his lips seemed to knock me right out of my daze. “What the hell was that?” My voice was weak and soft, not to mention breathless. Sesshomaru obviously noticed this and stared at me intensely.


I just stared back not really knowing what to do, his arms when to my back and he placed them flat on my spine before digging his nails in and dragging them down, causing me to gasp out in shock and pain, but that pain, somehow, turned into a strange pleasure that tingled through my body making my gasp turn into a soft moan. “W-what did you….” It was weird almost as though all of his actions enticed me.  I dont understand this! If not for the tails and ears I’d think I was a succubi.


I shook my head to rid my mind of the thoughts running through them, one of them being what it would feel like to have his lips pressed against mine. Deep breaths, in and out. Something was wrong….. Everything that’s happened seems like something that would happen in a book that's moving too fast.. This was wrong, This wasnt Sesshomaru....... It's not even real! 

That one realization made me freeze. No way.... But wh-


I didn’t think you’d figure it out so quickly, I am impressed Koneko Maika…


That voice….. My eyes widened in shock not long before Sesshomaru disappeared and I fainted. I only had one thought stuck in my head, one name. And knowing I was in his clutches made me scream in anger. But most of all. Fear.


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