Chapter 1: Somewhere I belong

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I forgot to say this last time! I dont own Inuyasha! Only my changes to the plot and any characters I make up!

Special thanks to Kuroyama for making the cover! Also thanks to RainaMandrake for helping me with editing and such, Unfortunately I only have up to chaper 3 done in this point in time, so if I dont update next week I am sorry, But I refuse to update unless I have 2 chapters ahead finished. I hope you enjoy! Remember to vote and comment! I want to hear what you think of the book! Critisism is appreciated just dont be mean! :3

I had been walking for about an hour when, I stopped and saw a middle school next to me, So I decided to take a look and see if it was the school, Looking at the plate with japanese kanji I remembered “Damn…. I forgot I can't read Japanese..” I  reached into the side pocket of my backpack, my backpack looks more like a leather satchel if anything. I took out a headset with a mike and put it on, it was a translator, Whatever I said in English it would translate to Japanese for me, and whatever anyone says in Japanese will be translated to English. Cost me a fortune but it works.

When someone walked by I used the set and then used the Japanese translation. It was the average middle school student, short brown hair, taller than me, but thats because I'm only 5’2. He turned around when I walked up to him. “Korehanani o itte imasu ka?” Translation: What does this say?

I was pointing to the name of the school He looked at me in confusion before he nodded. “Gaikoku hito? Sore wa, Chihaya chūgakkō o kataru” Translation: A foreigner? It says Chihaya Junior High. I smiled instantly since not only did it look like the school but the uniforms were the same! Why did I ask for the name? I tried searching it up on the internet but nothing came up. So now I know the name of kagome's school!

“Is there a shrine nearby?” He looked at me strangely and then I realized, he doesn't understand english.

So I tried again this time in japanese. “Jinja chikaku arimasu ka?” He suddenly realized what I was asking and nodded pointing down the street.

“Un! Sore wa haruka ni chōdo kono adoresu ni akusesu shinai!” Translation:Yeah! It's not far just go to this address!

He wrote down the address on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I thanked him before calling a cab and having them drive me there, When I thought back  to the boy, he seemed….. Familiar… Ignoring this I exited the cab and paid them before looked at the amount of steps. My eye twitched. “Oh hell….. Grouse grind flashback…” If you've never heard of the grouse grind its this giant hike up a mountain in vancouver. Alot of steps…. A monumental amount.

I have nightmares about it. Now, I can use a katana, I know Karate, Taekwondo, kickboxing, I know almost every fighting style, however when it comes to stairs….. I quit. So as I stood at these stair I mentally kicked myself to get going, but some part of me was saying Why~ Why me!? I let out a soft sigh and started my mini hike. I am generally a lazy person even though my body is athletic.

Walking up the steps the red arch eventually greeted me, what I saw was basically a giant replica of Kagomes home, It even had the sacred tree. “Beautiful…” That was truly the only way to describe it, the lush green leaves from the giant tree were beautiful and you could even see some sakura blossoms. I walked slowly to the tree absolutely mesmerized, it was old…

And with its incredible age came amazing beauty. Now before we continue even more, I should tell you what I look like. I have vibrant neon green eyes, silver white hair and skin that almost matched my hair, it was just a little darker. My hair goes down to my hips and I usually wear anime buns with a little bit of hair hanging out.

My lower hair is tied near the length of my shoulders by a white ribbon making the hair above sag over the ribbon. My bangs were anime style as well so I ended up having it so there was hair in the middle and off at the sides, so only my eyes were visible beneath them. Since I was short I did kinda have a complex about it… My friends say I’m a lot like Edward Elric, from Fullmetal Alchemist. In my hair was a white Headband with white cat ears on top. I loved cats, but at the same time I loved dogs, It was always so hard to choose when others asked which I prefered.

I was now standing directly in front of the sacred tree, looking upon the scar I knew had been made 500 years prior, “Inuyasha…..” When I thought of it all of this made me think that I had somehow just jumped into the world of Inuyasha when I exited the bus. “There’s no way that’s possible, this isn't some Fanfiction on wattpad, it's most likely all a show for the people who come looking” I knew I was trying to convince myself but come on, who wouldn't?

Looking at the tree I smiled and got down on my knees and sat on my legs. Clasping my hands together I said a, prayer, One I have said too many times to count.  Please….. I just want to fall in love… It was the one thing I yearned, Sure I wanted somewhere I belong, but… I want love even more. Sitting there in the sunlight and presence of the tree I felt a strange feeling, it was peace? but I could also feel so many grudges…. “So much anger…”

“My! And who might you be?” The voice was scratchy and sounded as if it belonged to an old man and as I stood up and turned I found out it was an old man….. Just… It was Kagome's grandfather. “M-Mr: Higurashi?!” I shouted in shock and surprise, I stumbled backwards and just barely kept from falling. This must mean I really am in their world…. But….How?

He looked at me in surprise before he laughed,  he's…. Laughing? Ok, It’s official, I’m insane. He turned around and motioned me to follow him, so me being the idiot I am just calmly nodded and followed. He led me to the well and that was when I realized he knew…. Somehow he knew I wasn't human… “How did you…”

“I have seen many things my child, and the look in your eyes…. The very fact that you know who I am… This well is connected to you.” He was being awfully wise, however when you think about it.. He should be, he’s old and takes care of a shrine, if he wasn't at least a little wise and thoughtful, it wouldn't make sense. Looking at the well I felt a pull…. Somehow it was calling to me, and I wanted so badly to listen, should I? “But! I can’t just leave… My friends..” He looked like he knew exactly what I was talking about. “I understand however… Whatever it is you are looking for. It is not here.”

His words should have made me feel sick or at least sad but…. They didn’t. I knew that one day I would leave… I just didn't think it would be so soon….. “I’m not ready…. But then…. We're never ready.. Are we?” He had no need to reply but nonetheless he nodded his head.

“Well…. Here goes nothing…” I put my hand on the wood and jumped over, I fell for a couple seconds before I started to float lightly, “It gorgeous.” The lights of the wells magic surrounded me instantly. Next thing I know I’m standing at the bottom of the well. “Lets see if it worked..” Using the vines I climbed out of the well, my but softly landing on lush green grass. I stared at the beautiful forest surrounding me as I sat leaning against the well.. “It worked… I’m in feudal Japan…” It was then I realized that I had the cat ears back but not only that…. but.. A A TAIL?! A FLUFFY WHITE TAIL?!

“Oh C’mon!!! Weren’t the ears enough?!” Though I sounded pissed….. I was secretly enjoying it.

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