Chapter 6: Don't make me regret this.

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Hey guys!!!! So its my Birthday and I still havent started chapter 10. Lol. Anyways. Since it is not only my birthday but my 16th birthday, I will give you two updates. All I ask?

5 votes and


See? Reasonable and fair. It's not even that much.

Anyways. Have a great day!!

Chapter 6: Don’t make me regret this.

Darkness...that’s all that surrounds me and honestly I’m terrified. I’ve always had a fear of the dark and since I’m in a jail cell that’s more than likely infested with spiders, and I have arachnophobia. Great~ Note the sarcasm. The sound of chains being dragged on the floor reached my ears and slowly became clearer as they came closer. Someone stopped in front of my cell and opened the door. “Stand up” From the voice I could easily tell it was Kagura. I did as she said and stood up. Normally I'm not all that obedient but I was curious as to what they had planned.


Kagura had left me in a room where I was then told to lie down and wait. I knew something bad was going to happen, so why did I lay down? It wasn’t of my free will, when I had entered the room it felt as though someone had me wrapped in strings and was playing around with me, almost like I was a puppet. I was laying there for hours and naturally I fell asleep.


Opening my eyes, a man stood above me with bright candles surrounding us. Since I had been in the dark for so long, my eyes weren't used to the brightness, so everything was blurry. All I could tell was that a man stood above me with a small knife in his…...hands….. My eyes widened and my heart rate accelerated. I have little to no pain tolerance, so I try to avoid getting hurt… but this time I don’t think that’s going to work.


The man licked his lips as he stared down at me. “I’m going to enjoy cutting you open.” His words just confirmed what I feared. It was like scientists experimenting… only there weren't any drugs. With my body restrained, I couldn't move an inch. “Don’t….” My voice quivered as I tightly closed my eyes, cold metal touched my stomach and pressed down.


My eyes shot open while I breathed heavily, that dream...I hoped to never remember that ever, but I guess dying will awaken old unwanted memories. Wait…Shouldn't I be dead? I didn’t feel any pain in my chest, but I certainly didn't feel brand new. What happened after Ailen killed me? I remember seeing a child, orange kimono and brown hair...


That just describes Rin. Why would she have been there and where am I now? I took a deep breath knowing what I was about to do would hurt, and sat up. A small muffled shout of pain escaped my lips, as I put my hand over my mouth. That hurts like a mother fucker! I didn’t know if there was anyone nearby, but I wasn’t going to stay to find out. My body was aching and in pain, not to mention I felt weird…Safe? That’s something I haven't felt in a while. Looking back to my fight, I can't help but wonder why Sesshomaru stared at me like that. Almost as though he was smelling the devil.


I sighed and slowly but surely stood. Let me tell you. IT HURT! Like God damnit. Looking around me, I noticed that I was in a small clearing with trees surrounding it. I was sleeping in front of one. It was night time and the full moon was high, bright, and just downright beautiful. It was then that I realized I was alone…I think. I couldn’t sense anyone but some people can conceal their presence. Idiot...I can’t believe that I forgot. I have a nose and the sense of smell of a cat.


I sniffed the air carefully and eventually a frighteningly familiar scent filled my nose. Dog, forest, blood, and…Chocolate? Why would I smell chocolate? This is Feudal Japan. They don't have chocolate, unless Kagome brought some. Confused I looked around trying to pinpoint the smell, but, alas, I couldn’t. Even though I was confused by the smell, I couldn't help but like it. Smiling, I continued to smell the air. Not realizing when I took the step forward that I was still injured. Just standing took all my concentration and strength. So taking the step forward was obviously stupid. Pain shot up through my stomach and traveled through my body causing me to collapse.


Before my body hit the ground, someones strong arm wrapped around my waist. Their hand laid flat against my stomach. A feeling of warmth erupted everywhere. The person who held me was the same person I had smelled earlier. Their smell was so intoxicating, that I turned my head and buried it into their stomach. The scent of chocolate, forest, and dog being overpowering and filling my head. With my eyes closed, I silently enjoyed their warmth, though it felt weird...almost like I knew them…


My head swam with thoughts of who it could be. My body too weak to move from their grasp. Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes to look up and gaze into crystal like, golden eyes. Sesshomaru? What was he doing here? I dont get it. He should be with Rin and Jaken a-and Ah’un. You could probably tell just by looking in my neon green, or electric green eyes that I was panicking.


Sesshomaru knew, he knew all too well. My breath quickened as he moved me around into a better position. When I looked down, I noticed I was wearing the same outfit I was wearing when I arrived: Black booty jean shorts with a white belt, a pirate like shirt that went down to my upper but, it was mainly black but it had something new. A deep chocolate brown corset that stopped right beneath my chest and slightly boosted my chest, this went all the way to my shorts, so only a little bit of my shirt was showing.


My heart was pounding and before I knew it he was up flying in the air taking me somewhere. “Where are you taking me?” As usual my voice held no emotion and my eyes became cold. Sesshomaru didn’t respond, not that I thought he would. I wanted to scream at him, tell him to put me down, but something in me wanted him to keep holding me, so, instead of listening to my head, I leaned my head against him and enjoyed his warmth. I felt safe in his arms and I didn’t want that to stop. So I brought my hand up to his chest and grabbed a hold of his robe.


Maybe...It was a long shot, and I wasn't sure If I wanted to do this, let alone if I should, Was it the right choice? Would I regret it? Who knows…but I don’t really have any other choice, besides It feels right.


I knew what I was about to do was stupid, but knowing Sesshomaru, it was the right choice.


I was gonna trust him. If anyone could free me, it would be Sesshomaru. He may not seem nice and kind, but he is, you just have to trust him and that’s what I was going to do. So I held onto his robe with just one thought in mind:


Please don’t make me regret this.

Harvest moon (Inuyasha)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن