Chapter 10: Toys of a sick men

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I just want to say, I am in shock, it took 10 different people, three months to comment!! If I can have over 40 readers, have 20 people vote, I should be able to get at LEAST10 comments.

Once again, I am asking for comments and votes, however this time it shall be different, so depending on my readers, I may never update the last two chapters, and you will never get your ending. For every person who votes, I expect a comment, I know, this is a lot to ask, but your input and support is what makes me want to update.

I will check every week on monday, if in one month It doesnt add up, I chall only those who commented ,read the next chapter

I really hope you enjoy this chapter!! I couldn't wait to put this up!!

Chapter 10: Toys of a sick man

It had been probably 8 hours that I had been hanging on Aliens shoulder and in all that time you know What I've done? Recount the last two days. Only two events really stood out to me.


Sesshomaru and I sat in the dining hall. Our kiss having happened an hour ago. Things were… awkward, at least to me they were. I could barely look at him and it wasn't just because we had a heated make out session. Oh no... it was because his cheek had a red handprint that made me slightly embarrassed every time I had the nerve to even look.


Taking a few bites of my rice, I swallowed trying to ignore the sexual tension and frustration that weighed heavy in the large room. It was surprising because we were the only people standing in the room. I probably won't last another two minutes in this tension. Within barely a minute, I laid my chopsticks down on the floor…. Okay, I slammed them onto the ground so hard that  they snapped. Sesshomaru looked at me; his face blank as usual. Though I thought  I saw amusement in his eyes, but it could just be my imagination.


I glared at him trying not to blush as images of our kiss ran amuck through my mind. I lasted a total of 30 seconds before my face went as red as a camilla. Looking away from him, I slowly stood up and mumbled almost incoherently, “I will retire to my chambers.” Turning around, I walked to the door wanting to leave as quickly as possible. Before I could leave; however, Sesshomaru grabbed my hand forcing me to look at him. “I will take you.” Unable to deny him, I nodded and held his hand  warmth spreading through me.


I was knocked from my memories when I was thrown to the ground, my back slammed against the hard cement below me causing a echoing crack to sound all around us. My tailbone cracked from the force of Ailen’s throw. My body began to scream in pain. My mouth however stayed closed trapping my scream inside. Clenching my teeth tightly, I stared at Ailen. His movements seeming too calm...Too.. Joyful. He reached out wrapping his arm around my waist and yanked me roughly into him. He then set me on my feet placing his hands on my shoulders and spun me around.


As if on cue the room was alleviated of the darkness as candles were lit. What I saw caused a horrified gasp to slip past my lips. Inside the room was naked woman, all of them different, some tanned others pale, some blonde, others brunette, there were various different forms however that wasn't what had me in shock, it was the fact that they had been deformed, stitches covered their whole bodies, some bodies didn't have a head and other bodies did not match the skin of the head, it was like he was trying to construct the perfect woman…


I was gonna be sick, it was a gruesome sight that made me want to curl up in a ball and rock back and forth. He left me and walked to one woman who looked like she'd been constructed from all the other girls body parts it was…horrifying and the worst part? She was breathing…. Her eyes were glazed and she was breathing but.. she didn't look like she was born that way, she was just body parts sewn together and given life, even with that glazed look; you could tell she was in pain.

The only thing that was missing was hair… Is that what Ailen wanted from me?....

No, thats too simple, theres something more.


“Isn’t she beautiful? The perfectly proportioned body” He cupped her breasts as he was now standing behind her, “Smooth velvet skin” He trailed his hands down her waist. “And the perfect place for my children, “He laid his hands on her stomach. “The only thing thats missing is a soul.. Your hair is just an added bonus.” A soul… He wants to use my soul? But why mine? “That doesnt make sense! Why my soul?!” He chuckled lowly before that chuckle slowly became a full on laugh, a laugh that made my skin crawl and heart bound. He slowly moved out from behind the girl and walked toward me. Once Ailen was close enough, he leaned forward so his breath fanned my face and his eyes looked into mine.


“Your soul… It is the soul of a Akuma-Shin. And that is a truly rare soul indeed, you may not be all powerful but you will never die, at least not by any normal means. That poison I used would only kill you for a year, just long enough to extract your soul, but that damned dog demon found you…” His voice grew from gleeful to murderous in seconds. “And now here we are, the preparations are complete, now all I have to do, is extract your soul.” My body grew tense and my eyes showed my panic. “Oh dont worry Shi, I won't let it hurt….. I’ll make it so much worse….” I don't know what he did, but it was not but a few seconds later that the world went dark and I fainted.

Opening my eyes, I quickly went on alert. I was chained to the roof. My feet barely touching the ground and below me was a pentagram of sorts and candles encircled the whole shape. My whole body was in excruciating pain. I was barely able to notice the fact that I was naked. Looking around, I eventually spotted Ailen. He wore only pants and this made me have a sick realization “You did this… you made it so that if any male touched me in any sexual way it would hurt…. Why?!”

“Why? Because I wanted you to scream when I finally had you.”

His words caused fear to run down my back. “No….”

“But yes Shi, you should have seen this coming”

I started to shake fear clouding my mind as one thought ran rampant.

Is he…Is Ailen going to rape me?


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