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ATSUMU yawned as he starts feeling sleepy while sitting on a stool inside the bar together with his brunette best friend, Oikawa Tooru who quietly sips on his beer. The bar feels cozy and the classical music playing in the background is soothing that makes him wanted to sleep already.
He sighed and rested his head on the counter while looking at his best friend.

"Are you planning to get drunk before your fiancé comes to pick us up here?" he asked while still looking at him. The brunette guy gazed at him and gave him a naughty smile which he didn't like. He knows he's up to something whenever he smiles like that. Cringey!

Both of them got out late from their works and they coincidentally met on the streets. Since it's already late and the train operation had already stopped, Oikawa invited him to have a drink first inside the bar while they wait for Iwaizumi to fetch them.
He didn't order anything because he had a low alcohol tolerance and he feels indisposed for not having enough sleep.

"Yup, so I have a reason to flirt with Iwa-chan later." His brows furrowed on what he said.

'I knew it!' he snapped at the back of his head while gently shaking his head. He couldn't believe he is friends with a flirty guy like him.

"Eww, that really sounds like an evil plan." A soft giggle escaped from him as he took another sip of his beer. His glass is almost empty that he asked the bartender for another refill.

Atsumu tried to stop him but he's just a hard-headed brat so he just let him do whatever he wants. He just hoped Iwaizumi is already on his way here to fetch them up. He really wanted to go home and sleep. He's been sleepless these past few days working on the big project his boss gave him.

"Sorry guys, I'm late." Iwaizumi has finally arrived that made Oikawa extremely happy. He sighed in relief.

"Iwa-chan, you're finally here. Come on, let's leave Atsu-chan here." He teasingly looked at him with a slight smirk on his face while clinging on his fiance's arm.
Atsumu rolled his eyes at him and just stood up so they could go home already. But Iwaizumi stopped him.

"Wait, we're not going home yet." He looked at him with confusion.

"Huh? But I'm already sleepy. Come on, let's get going." He complained and clutched on Oikawa's shirt. Iwaizumi scratched his head and explained.

"We'll get home as soon as we're done. But I wanted to introduce someone to the both of you." Suddenly, a man with dashing personality appeared before them. Ah no, scratch that part.

He's wearing a mask and he couldn't see even fully see his face. What if he's using that to hide his ugly face? He eyed on the guy but he looked away when he caught him staring at him.

"His name is Sakusa Kiyoomi." Iwaizumi introduced him. The guy named Sakusa bowed his head at them and they did the same.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi." he said politely. His voice is deep and manly and Atsumu finds it sexy. He bit his lower lip and shook his head.

'What am I thinking?'

"Is he a friend of yours, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa asked and let go of his grip from Iwaizumi's arm so he could do a handshake with the guy.

"Yes, and also my colleague."

"Oh..." he then turns to Sakusa.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Oikawa Tooru. I'm Iwa-chan's fiancé." he extended his hand but the man just stared on it. His brows furrowed in confusion while looking at him.

"Well?" Iwaizumi snapped his finger.

"Oh, I forgot. He doesn't do handshakes." He said and started to sit on the stool beside Oikawa.

"And why is that?"

"It's because he's a germaphobe."


"Sakusa, you can sit beside Atsumu if you want." the latter nodded his head and sat beside Atsumu.

"I hope you don't mind." Sakusa spoke while gently placing his bag on the counter.

"I don't." He answered in a bored tone.
He heard Sakusa ordered something and went silent. Oikawa and Iwaizumi started talking to each other and they have forgotten his existence.
He heaved out another sigh and just buried his face again on the counter.

He could hear Iwaizumi and Oikawa talking and laughing as they both share their drinks. Atsumu had always envied Oikawa for having such a perfect relationship. Well, it was not good at the start but Iwaizumi tried his best to step out of his comfort zone.

He pleads for another chance and Oikawa agreed. And now, they're already engaged with each other. While Atsumu's past relationships are not good memories to remember. They cheat on him, treats him badly. Remembering the past makes him feel sick.

"Hey, Atsu-chan. Drink." he raised his head when he heard Oikawa's voice. He passed him a glassful of beer but he shook his head in disagreement.

"No, no. I don't like." he pushed the glass back to Oikawa but he glared at him. He noticed Sakusa staring at him but he just ignored it.

"Please? Just one glass." Oikawa used his puppy eyes against him which he couldn't refuse.


"Yey!" he picked up the glass and drank the beer straight up. He closed his eyes as he tasted its bitterness and he could feel his throat burning. And after a few minutes, his vision is becoming blurry. The alcohol is starting to manifest in his body.

'Darn. I shouldn't have drank it.' He clutched on the counter as he starts to feel dizzy. He could hear them calling his name but he couldn't respond. The throbbing pain in his head is killing him.


"Atsu-chan! Hey!"

"Jeez. I'm sorry, Atsu-chan." It was Oikawa's voice. He tried to fight back his drunkenness but he felt weak so he closed his eyes. And the last thing he saw was Sakusa's face before he passed out.


Note: I'm really sorry for the errors you've encountered. I'll try to make this story better and update this as regular as possible.

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