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IT was dinner time but I couldn’t focus eating. I kept glancing at my phone, typing a message and yet I end up deleting it and not sending to Omi-kun at all. I promised to text him, but I just couldn’t bring myself to send a single text to him. It’s been two weeks and I haven’t done anything. I wanted to tell him that I miss him, that I want to see him because I wouldn’t deny that I like him already. I’m just afraid that he’ll ignore me once I confessed my feelings for him. I sighed.

“Tsumu, are ya just gonna look at yer phone? The food will get cold.” I quickly put my phone away and start eating. Samu’s temper worsens when it comes to food.

“Yer food tastes like shit.” I joked which made his brows crease in anger. It just makes me happy while looking at his pissed face. I love teasing him.

“What the hell, Tsumu? How dare ya say that?” he said and glared at me. I stuck out my tongue at him like a child before chewing the food I stuffed in my mouth. He shook his head in disappointment as he continued eating in silence. I glanced at my phone back, still thinking what to text Omi-kun. I wonder what he’s feeling right now. Is he expecting my text? Ah, scratch that. Tss…how can I be assuming? He doesn’t even seem interested on me. What a sad life I lead.

I looked at my brother who is busy munching his mochi. I felt a little bit of jealousy on how his relationship with Suna goes strong as days go by. He can manage his relationship very well even though he’s a jerk.
I was preoccupied with my thoughts that I didn’t notice I stopped eating. Samu raised his head and our eyes met. He smirked and leaned on the chair before he spoke.

“Quit bein’ loud, Tsumu.” I got confused on what he said.

“Huh? I wasn’t even talking.” I stated before I continued to eat. Jeez, the food is getting colder so I have to hurry eating.

“Our brains our connected, I could hear yer voice in my head.” I flicked his forehead.

“Nice joke, Samu.” He chuckled.

“Ugh! Whatever! Anyway, care to share? I know something’s up.” I bit my lower lip because I was hesitant to tell him. What if he’ll get angry at me once I told him about Omi-kun?

“Come on, Tsumu. Spill the tea now. I’m all ears to listen.” I was touched for a moment because of his words. I’m grateful that my exact replica exists, though he’s really annoying sometimes. He’s the only one I could count to when I’ve got no one around me. I ended up telling him about Omi-kun. At first, I was really nervous. But based on my observation, he doesn’t seem to be angry or displeased. He listened attentively to the very end of my story. I found it weird that Samu wasn’t even interrupting me while talking.

“Samu, yer actin’ creepy.” I blurted out as soon as I finished talking. His left brow arched up. He was about to talk when his phone rang. I saw Suna’s name flashed on the screen before he picked it up and answered. Great!

OIKAWA and I are walking down the streets since he invited me to go shopping a while ago. He wanted some accompaniment to buy anniversary gift for Iwaizumi because two days from now, they’ll be celebrating their fifth anniversary. I wonder why they won’t just get married already. We’re on our way home when we spotted a familiar figure from nearby. It was Omi-kun and he’s with a guy. I suddenly remembered what I have done so I thought of running or hiding away from him. But it was too late because he already saw us.

“Oops! Atsu-chan, it’s your lover.” Tooru-kun teasingly whispered on my ear. I gently pinched his arm which made him chuckle. The guy beside Omi-kun whispered something before he walked near us.

Finally Found You ||SakuAtsu||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz