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With the feeling of boredom and sleepiness, I rested my head on Tooru-kun's shoulder as we sit at the bar counter. We both got out late from our works and coincidentally met again on the streets. Tooru-kun gently wrapped his arm around my shoulder and placed my head on his chest.

"Are you tired, Atsu-chan?" he asked as he sips on his beer. How I wish I could handle alcohol like him.

"Yeah." I simply answered as I buried my face on his chest. He's so warm. If only Tooru-kun is not on a relationship, there would be a possibility that I'd fallen in love with him. With his kind personality and his good looks, there's no mistaking that anyone could fall for him.

But what we have is platonic friendship. We do act like couples sometimes but that's just how our friendship goes. I didn't know how long we stayed like that until he spoke.

"By the way, Atsu-chan. You seem down. Is there something wrong?" I raised my head and looked at him. I was hesitant to tell him that's why I bit my lip, which I think he noticed so he spoke again.

"Spill!" He commanded. I fixed my sitting position before I told him the problem. It's been a week since Omi-kun and I talked. Our last conversation was the day we got home from our beach date. And after that, he never texted nor called me.

I sent him few texts, but I never got a reply. I wonder if he's busy or up to something. But can he not spare a time just to text me? Maybe I'm not that important. I suddenly felt a pang of pain in my chest at that thought.

"What do you think about that? What could be the problem?" I asked as soon as I finished telling him everything. He remained quiet for a bit before he responded.

"Well, lack of communication sometimes is the problem in most relationships. Everyone has a reason for that. Maybe his phone got broken, but he doesn't look like a person who couldn't afford to buy a new one. If he could take you to a date and book for a hotel, then he could buy it. Or maybe he's just simply busy." Tooru-kun explained that left me speechless. Darn, he's really good at this. I pursed my lips.

"But at least he'd still spare time for me, right? Even a short message or an explanation will do." I said downcasted. He cupped my face and let me face him.

"Cheer up, my boy. Try to be patient for now. But if it still continues like that, then try visiting him." I nodded and took his advice.

"Thank you, Tooru-kun. I love you." I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back.

"You're always welcome. I love----

He was cut off when someone suddenly pulled him away from me. We're both shocked to see Iwaizumi who has a scowl plastered on his face while glaring at me.

"You maybe friends but seeing you being sweet and lovey-dovey makes me want to strangle you both." He said while taking his seat beside Tooru-kun.

"Tss, I smell jealousy." I teased which made him smirk.

"Who would want to share their belonging with someone? From now on, you're prohibited to hug each other."

"Eh? Why would that be?" Tooru-kun whined.

"That's flirtation, bitch. And hugging someone while in a relationship is cheating." Iwaizumi added that made Tooru-kun roll his eyes to heaven.

"Come on, Iwa-chan. It's just Atsu-chan that I'm flirting with."

I just remained quiet in my place while watching them fight in front of me. It's just the usual scenario anyway.

"Ah, so you like him better than me?"

"What if I said yes?"

"Well, suit yourself. We're over." Iwaizumi joked and pretended to leave but Tooru-kun pulled him.

"Over, my ass. We're not breaking up, bitch. But if I get tired of you, then I'll replace you with Atsu-chan." Iwaizumi's brows creased deeply while Tooru-kun stuck his tongue at him and clung on my arms as he pulled me towards the exit.

I just chuckled. They're so cute! I wish me and Omi-kun will be like that.

Fast forward.

I breathed in deeply before getting off from the bus. Omi-kun's place is a bit far from our house but it's okay. I missed him and I really wanted to see him.

I took all of Tooru-kun's advice and vacated my weekend just to see him. Omi-kun, I'm here. Do you miss me? I giggled as I imagined him welcoming me with a warm embrace.

I was walking on the street towards his house when I spotted him sitting on the bench. My eyes twinkled and was about to call him but I stopped when I saw a guy with a moss-colored hair approached him.

Who was that? What is their relationship? I watched them closely and I noticed that Omi-kun raised his hand and held the latter's hand.

W-wait...what's the meaning of this? I quickly turned around and ran faraway from their place as tears started streaming down my face. Omi-kun, are you cheating on me?

Note: Time to mess the story. The spice chapter will be out soon after they solve their issue. Hihi! I couldn't update last time since some of my drafts are lost.

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