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I closed my eyes as I let the breeze brushed against my skin while I was seated on the white sand, with my slippers beside me. I love it when all I can hear is the sound of the crashing waves on the shore, and the smell of salt and sand that mixed together in the air. The deep, blue sea in front of me, glittering with the sunset’s rays, and with the birds flying on the cloudless sky gives me a picturesque view. I continued to stare as the image of the ocean burned in my memories. If only I know how to paint, then I’d paint it. But unfortunately, I wasn’t given any artistic talent.

“Enjoying the view?” Omi-kun asked from behind me as he gently placed a jacket on my shoulder before he sat down beside me to watch the sunset.

“Yup, it’s a nice view.” I answered while still looking at the ocean. I saw him pout in my peripheral vision like a child. He’s cute. I couldn’t help but blush when he held my hand, intertwining our fingers together. I leaned my head on his shoulder which he didn’t mind. It’s been five months since we started dating.

Through those days, I’ve seen how flawed he is. He had trouble trusting other people since he grew up with no one by his side. The only one who stayed beside him is his cousin Komori, who later on became my friend too.  I sometimes hang out with him, together with Tooru-kun especially when they’re not with their boyfriends.

I just hope Omi-kun will one day open up to me and tell me every single detail of his secrets that we’ll both keep. And because of his phobia, we spend our dates on secluded places, far away from people. It wasn’t bad at all, but I couldn’t enjoy fully.

And despite of all his flaws, I still chose to understand him. In those days, we never had fights. And if there were, he was the one who would try to make-up since most of it were his fault.
But sometimes I'm getting confused on my feelings for him. I wonder if what I feel for him is really love or just out of responsibility because Komori said something to me and it bothers me until now.

“Please save him…”

That’s one thing that I couldn’t understand. What does he mean by that? Where will I save him from?

“Hey, are you alright?” I snapped out from my trance when he gently tapped my shoulder.

“Ah, yes. I was just thinking of something.” His grip on my hand tightened.

“You better not be thinking about guys other than me.” I shook my head.

“Silly. I already have you, how can I still think about someone else?” he smiled but he suddenly leaned forward and pecked on my lips that caught me off guard. I remained frozen on my place for a bit, trying to absorb what had just happened.

“Yiks! That’s not fair. If you wanted a kiss, you better tell me.” I said while pouting. I heard him chuckle.

“Okay, sorry. Now, look at me.” his voice is so deep and calming that could make you follow his commands even if you don’t want to. I didn’t notice that it’s already night time. Time flies quickly. The stars begin to appear slowly on the night sky as they twinkle and the moon provided enough illumination for us, making us able to see each other. I saw how Omi-kun’s eyes glimmered in the dark. He leaned closer to me as he cupped my face. I closed my eyes when I felt his lips landed on mine. We both shared a long, passionate kiss under the starry night sky.

Note: Okay, I planned to write shorter updates from now so I could update regularly. After I finished reading another SakuAtsu fanfic, it motivated me a bit. I still need moral supports from people though.

And fyi, in the next chapters (Idk what chapter is) will be a lil bit spicy. I just love how tsundere Omi-Omi would want to make a mess out of the submissive Atsumu as he deals with his issues. I hope you'd still be there with me. Hehe. Love you guys!

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