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I sought Tooru-kun's advices whenever we had free time. He told me to keep texting and so I did. I tried texting him and waited for his reply time and time and yet I received nothing. I was so worried that maybe he's sick or having a hard time and yet I'd only see him holding hands with someone.

I stopped walking when I realized something. What if I just overreacted on what I saw? It's just holding hands, it's not like they're doing something. Ugh! Stupid Atsumu...

I should get back. I wiped my tears first before I decided to go back to where they are but it broke my heart more on the scenario. It's not just a simple holding hands, they're now hugging each other.
I couldn't believe the efforts I made are wasted.

This time I decided to leave without showing up to him. But just as soon as I turned around, I bumped into someone. I was so weak that I fell, but thanks to the person, he caught me on time.

"Woops! That was close. Are you alright?" I raised my head and my jaws dropped when I saw who it was. His eyes widened when he saw me.



"Are you here for Kiyoomi?" He asked but instead of answering him, I burst into tears that shocked him.

"O-oy, Atsumu. What's wrong?" He asked and and tapped my shoulder.

"C-can we go somewhere else? I wanted to talk in private." I said and he agreed. He took me to his place which is one taxi ride only. I was fascinated as soon as I stepped inside his house. It was so neat and organized, just like Omi-kun's place. But the only difference is that the whole place seemed friendly and welcoming since the interior designs are light-colored.

I thought he's a messy person but I thought wrong. It must be Omi-kun's influence.

"I used to be messy. All my things are scattered on the floor which I didn't mind. But Kiyoomi scolded me and told me to clean up until I got used to being neat." He stated as if he read what's on my mind.

"Oh, it really was his influence." I mumbled which made him chuckle.

"You can sit on the couch while waiting. I'll just prepare some snacks for us. Just feel at home babe." And then he left. But instead of sitting down, I spent my time looking at the displays. There were some photos of Komori-kun when he was a child, a photo of him and a guy which I supposed was his boyfriend and another picture has caught my attention.

It was a childhood photo of him with Omi-kun in it. They are smiling from ear to ear as if they are the happiest person alive.

"Cute." I blurted out.

"Thank you." I jolted when I suddenly heard Komori-kun's voice behind me.

"You scared me." I pouted which made him chuckle.

"I was actually calling your name but you're so focused on that picture. Kiyoomi looks great with that smile, right?" I nodded in agreement. He's not just cute, he's handsome.

"I miss that smile of his. I wish I could bring it back but I don't know how." He said with a sad tone. What happened to Omi-kun before?

"Come, let's eat and tell me your problems. Spill all the tea." We sat on the couch next to each other as I told him what I saw and the things that happened.
He wipes my cheeks with tissue whenever a tear escapes my eyes. He's just like Tooru-kun. He's so sweet. He held my hand tight as his free hand gently caressed my cheek.

"So he's back, huh? Hasn't he told you anything yet? Even about the guy he was with?" He asked. I got confused with what he said but I ignored it. 

"He wouldn't open up to me. I didn't know a single thing about that guy." I answered while shaking my head.

"Oh, I see." I looked at him.

"Please, tell me." I plead but he gave me a slight smile.

"I'm not in the place to tell you anything." I was disheartened from what I heard from him. I could feel my eyes watering again but I tried to stop it. My eyes feel stingy.

"If that's the case, then I'll just break up with him. He ignored me for a week, not replying to all of my messages. They're just nonsense anyway." I was about to stand up but he pulled me back.

"Don't go, Atsumu. Have you forgotten the favor I asked you?" I quickly pulled away.

"What if I can't save him? I didn't even know his past."

"I know you can." I shook my head again.

"How can you be so confident about it?" He pulled me and hugged me tight.

"It's just a feeling but I know you can. Please, I'm begging you." I bit my lower lip and gave in. He hugged me tighter and whispered his gratitude.

"Should I call Kiyoomi for you?" He asked when he let go. I was about to say no but his doorbell rang. He signalled me to sit down and went to see who it was.

"Oh, you're just right on time. Come inside." I heard him say. Who is he talking to? I almost stopped breathing when I turned my head towards Komori's direction. Standing beside him was the reason for my aching heart.

"Atsumu?" I quickly looked away at him. I'm not ready yet to face him. What should I do?

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