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I don't know how many minutes have passed when I let Omi-kun explain and yet he hasn't spoken a single word. He was just looking down and I could see him clenching his fist. I sighed and broke the silence between us.

"Ugh! Omi-kun, do you have plans on explaining? Whatever explanation it is, I would listen since I really wanted to know the truth. But if you still can't, then let's better break up. Let's just end our relationship. I gotta do this before I'd end up broken again. If you can't open up to me, then that means you don't trust me. And a relationship without trust is not healthy." It's piercing my heart while saying those words and I couldn't stop my tears from flowing. 

It was the only time when he raised his head and met my gaze as he stood up from the couch and kneeled down in front of me. He stretched out his right hand and used his thumb to brush the tears on my wet cheeks.

"No, we're not breaking apart. I just didn't know where to start." He said in a low voice while biting his lip. I regained my composure and sat properly before I spoke.

"If that's the case, then I'll just ask you." I cleared my throat because I feel like there's a lump before I continued talking.

"Why did you ignore me for a week? I keep texting but there was no reply from you. What are your reasons why you couldn't even send me a message to explain your situation?" The way I asked him feels like interrogating him for the crimes he did.
He sighed.

"I did that on purpose. I tested myself if I could ignore you and----

"---and you succeeded." I cut him off. I noticed how his face darkened with irritation.

"Will you let me finish what I'm saying?" I rolled my eyes.

"But what I said is true. You're a cheater and a---

This time, it was him who cut me off, but in a different method. Everything happened so fast that I couldn't react. The next thing I knew, his lips are already brushing mine while my eyes are wide open because of shock. I actually didn't like it but my body reacted on its own, and responded to the kiss. Is this how much I miss him? But I pushed him when I snapped out from my trance. We're both panting when our lips parted. I noticed how his cheeks are tinted red while panting.

"We're still not in good terms and you sure have guts to kiss me. You must be a horny jerk now." I blurted on impulse that made him chuckle.

"I'm sorry. I just had to shut you up." and then he leaned on the couch and looked at me.

"I figured out that I shouldn't ignore you because I feel empty inside when I'm not talking to you. And the time that I realized it, I quickly cleared out my weekend schedules just meet to up with you, and that's when Ushijima called me." Ushijima? Was that the guy he was hugging that day? Is he finally opening up to me?

"Ushijima is a friend I met back in high school. Among all the people in the crowd, he's the only one who didn't get weird when he found out about my phobia. He stayed by my side and he was there in my dark times. He's like my guardian angel who guided me and led me out of my misery. I liked him so much that I wished we could stay together forever." Seeing how Omi-kun's eyes shine while telling me those things is piercing my heart. It hurts, but I just have to listen.

"So, i-is he y-your first love?" I was surprised that I was able to ask him that even though it's breaking my heart. What if he said yes? Wasn't there a quotation that first love never dies? What if it's true?

"I'll answer that question later, Atsumu. Let me continue first what I'm saying." He paused for a second and sighed before talking.

"He said he likes me too, and wanted to stay by my side. But we have one big problem---I couldn't touch him casually. I tried my best to tolerate my germaphobia but it didn't work out until now. The day you saw me touching and hugging him was based on my request. I was just trying if I could touch him, I was trying to touch other people now that I could touch you normally." I've got nothing to say so I remained quiet in my place.

"When I hugged and touched him that time, I feel disgusted. Luckily, he brought a hand sanitizer or else I've gone berserk." He said with matching actions which made me laugh somehow. I saw him smiled as he stared on my face. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yer lookin' weird."

"I just love staring at your face especially when you're smiling. You're so beautiful." Darn this inner self wanted to scream but I tried my best to keep the stoic expression plastered on my face.

"Don't think I'll get swayed by your flattery. I'm still mad at you." he bit his lower lip.

"Let's continue with the explanation then so you could forgive me already. There was a boy I saw back when I was a child. I think it's love at first sight. He's the reason why my sexuality has changed. And I wished that it was Ushijima but I've seen all of his childhood photos as a proof that it wasn't him. He wasn't the boy I saw that day. And that simply answers your question a while ago. He's not my first love." Should I be happy about it or not?

"Who's that boy back then? Were you able to see him again?" I asked, showing an interest. But he flashed a sad smile and shook his head as an answer. I bit my lower lip and looked down on the floor. I was about to speak but he spoke ahead of me.

"I believe I've told you everything. If you still have questions, if you're still having doubts, then just ask me everything you wanted to know."

"Okay." I said while I play with my hair. We fell silent for a moment until he was the one who broke it.

"Am I forgiven now?" I smiled as I opened my arms, initiating for a hug. His eyes lit up with joy before I was engulfed by his strong arms. It's so warm and it feels like home.
I miss you, Omi-kun, I miss you so much. I'm feel so overwhelmed that I didn't know if I said those things loud or just said it in my head. But it doesn't matter, as long as we're okay now. And all that matters to me is the love we have for each other.

note: Omo, srsly? 330 reads? The last time I checked it's only 315. lol! didn't expect this story to have readers. Anyway, I think I made a super cheesy sakuatsu fan fic but I hope you're okay with that. I just didn't want to make a their story toxic since i'm so tired of toxic sakuatsu fics. I'm currently writing a new sakuatsu fic. I'll reveal the details on the later parts of this story. 

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