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Morning came soon.

"Hey babe," I whisper at Jack. He felt him shift a little as he tightened his gip on me.

"Mhm," I hear his deep voice.

I played there for five minutes until I decided to get up. I tried loosening Jack's grip on me, but he only tightened it more.

"Mhm," I hear him whine again.

"I have to go to work Jack!" I say with a smile in my face.

"No, stay here with me. Please baby." His voice fills my ear.

"I have to Jack. I have to pay the rent."

"Just stay home with me and we can cuddle." He continues.

"Jack, we need to pay for this apartment."

"Fine, I'll go pick you up at 5." He lets go of me.

"I never asked you. How's your job?" I ask.

"I hate it. It's really boring. But, I started singing during my shift, and this guy asked to go talk to him at his office. I have no idea what it is about." Jack sits up to tell me.

"That's cool. Maybe it's for your singing. You have an amazing voice. It would be nice if you put it to use." I say as I make my way to the restroom.


"I'm leaving Jack." I call out with my phone in my hand and backpack on me. I hear stumbles coming from my room.

"Bye. I love you. See you later." He pulls me by my hips and kisses me. It was so passionate and it definitely caught me off guard.

"Bye, I love you." I look at him with a big cheesy smile.

"Alright, see you baby girl. I have to get ready for work." He walks backwards towards my room.

I walk out of the door and drive to the mall. How joyful? I really wanted to take Jack up for that offer, but we really need to get paying the rent. I haven't payed last month's rent only because I couldn't find a job. Now that I have one, I need to stick with it and get the most I can out of it.


I miss Diana so much. I really wished she said she was going to ditch work to just stay with me. Now, I have to wait until the weekend to actually have a whole say with her. But, I'm fucken happy as fuck because of what happened last night. I have to thank Sam for getting into an argument and insulting her because that is what lead us to here. Don't get me wrong, I am not doing this in any way to get things off my mind or even take advantage of her. Diana has always been there for me, and I've always been afraid to express my feelings for her. And now I am here at work thinking of her all day. I need her in my arms.

"Hello, yea. Can I have a chocolate cappuccino please." This guy with a suit on asks in a rush. I'm guessing he'll be late to work. I made his coffee and handed it to him. I gave him his change, and my day consisted of the same actions again and again.

"Hey man can you sing for us?" This random guy directs me.

"Me?" I point at myself.

"Yea!" Many people in the shop said at once.

"Um, what do you want me to sing?" I ask a bit in shock as to people actually asking me to sing. I sing a little around the shop when I'm bored, but never have a sang fully. It was always low key.

"Hallelujah!" About three different voices said at the same time. Wow, this is incredible.

"Um, okay." I started singing following my words. What the customers want, the customers get.

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