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Jack's POV

I got up from talking to Madison. I've missed her. I'm not going to lie. But after a while, I saw the boys from One Direction get off stage and everyone started packing for our next stop. I said my goodbyes to all my friends and walked back to the dressing room with Johnson.

"Man, it's been so long since we've seen them. We've been touring like crazy." Johnson tells me.

"Yea. That was such a good time we just had. It was such a way to get us back on track and keep us humble." I smiles.

"You're telling me. I saw you with Madison." Johnson looks concerned.

"Yea, so." I shrugged my shoulders.

"So?" Johnson stops and steps right in front of me. "You have a girlfriend. You guys are expecting. You can't be doing this shit. What is wrong with you? This is real life Gilinsky, and you need to get your shit together."

"Whatever. I can do whatever I want to do." I say honestly.

"This will make us look wrong. We will go nowhere with your attitude and actions." Johnson adds.

"So now this is about you. You want fame and money and attention. You know what. Whatever. I get to do what I want. I'm not doing anything for you." I walk inside the dressing room. I grab some clothes and change to something more comfortable for the bus ride.

After changing, I start packing all my stuff.

Diana's POV

"Thank you for being here." I look over at Harry.

"I'm happy to be here." He holds my hand.

Ohhh, that was not a lovely feeling.

"Harry, can you go get the doctor. I think it's coming." I try to say every word but it comes with a small struggle.

I hear his boots hit the tile as he ran to the door and started yelling for the doctor. The nurse and doctor come in and they start pulling the bed to the surgery room.

"HARRY." I yell. "I need you to assist me. Come here." He reached out for my hand and I tightened it really hard.

"Breath babe. Steady steady. Look at me." I look over at him and tried breathing at the same pace as him.

"In... Out." He verbally helped me.

"AHHHHHHH." My legs swung open. I need this baby to pop out.

"Ouch, that hurt." Harry looks at hour hands together. I'm going to need to apologize after.

"Okay honey, we are going to have you do pushing sessions until the baby is out. Okay?" The doctor informs us.

"Your job as the parter is to help her be calm and do what I tell her. Keep her motivated."

"But-" Harry tied to explained himself as he played with his bottom lip with his fingers.

"You're not doing such a good job man." The doctor says.

"Okay okay." Harry looks over at me.

"We are going to ask you to push for five minutes and then we will take a ten minutes break." The doctor instructs. "So let's start. Are you ready?"

I look up at Harry and held his hand tighter. "Yes."

"1, 2, 3, PUSH."

"Ahhhhhh." I push with all my force.

"Okay. I see the head coming already. Just a couple of more pushes and he'll be out." The doctor says.

"1,2,3 PUSH."

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