Chapter 23: "Your Arms Are My Sanctuary"

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Friday, January 18th

Last semester's schedule was a blessing in disguise and I didn't even know it. In less than a year, I'd somehow forgotten how much I didn't like math. I don't really hate it, I just wouldn't be sad if I woke up one day and it didn't exist.

"I can't do this shit," Connor complains, dropping his calculator with a clatter on the desk. We've been working on the sheet for ten minutes and I've offered him help at least seven times.

"It's just a function, we've been doing that for three years," I say. My pencil scratches across the paper, echoing others'. The novelty of having new classes has worn off, and now I just want to go home.

"I preferred chemistry over this," he gripes, his head in his hands. I gasp dramatically.

"Don't say that!" I actually didn't mind chemistry. But I know that a lot of people hate it, so I'll go along with it.

"Why not?"

"Don't say things you don't mean," I joke, and Connor sighs. The chatter of the classroom covers our conversation, which is good. Ms. Oshiro isn't strict about talking, as long as it isn't while she's talking. I'm just wary of other people listening.

"I do mean it. I would rather be scratching away at the desk and finding an equilibrium rate than this," Connor claims.

"Do you want help?" I offer again, and just like all the other times, he sighs emphatically and shakes his head.

"No. I got it," he says forlornly.

"You don't got it," I insist, and he ignores me. Because he knows I'm right.

"I'm truly going to die," he groans, turning and rummaging through his bag. He pulls out a water bottle and I start quietly clapping.

"I'm so proud of you," I cheer softly, and he glares at me over his bottle. My efforts had paid off, and now I won't be a widower.

"Funny, haha, Connor can actually drink water, fuck off," he grumbles, wiping his lip and screwing the bottle shut.

I lay my head down on his shoulder and grin. "I'm glad you won't die of dehydration."

"Are you just trying to look at my work?" Connor asks, flipping his paper over as if he's actually done any correct work.

"No, I actually want the right answer," I say, chuckling as he gasps.

"Rude! That's abuse, y'know."

"I'm just agreeing with you."

"Toxic," he mutters, shaking his head.

The smile drops off my face as I catch Ty's greedy glare. His face stretches into a malicious smirk when he sees that I'm watching.

"Sorry," I murmur, pushing myself off Connor's shoulder and keeping my eyes down.

"No, I was joking, Ev. You didn't do anything," he says, extending his hand out for me to hold

"Sorry," I repeat, staring at his hand. Ty knows we're dating now. He knows.

"Stop saying sorry." Ty knows we're dating.

"Okay," I whisper, taking a deep breath before grabbing Connor's hand. He already knows. Nothing I can do about it now, besides maybe steer clear for a while.

"Do you want to come over to my house today? No one'll be home," he asks, squeezing my hand gently. I smirk up at him, before he realizes how his words sound.

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