Chapter 7: "Only Way I Know How To"

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Wednesday, October 10th

  Usually, after I fight my way through the crowd to reach World Lit, I'm greeted with Connor sitting at our table and complaining about how I take too long to get to class (Which is not fair at all, seeing as the science wing is right under the literature wing, but the social studies wing is on the other side of the performing arts wing so he has less ground to cover). 

 But today, his desk is empty. For a moment, I'm scared he isn't here today. But he would have texted if he wasn't here. Maybe he just didn't care enough to. It's not like the second he knows he's isn't showing up to school he thinks, "Fuck, gotta tell Evan!". 

 He's probably just late. That's all. I survey the hallway and make awful eye contact with a passing student, before hearing welcome voices arguing.

 "Your monster's been bothering me all class period. Did someone feed him after midnight or something?" Connor asks, sliding past me so I'm in between him and Jared.

"Very funny, Murphy, make fun of the short guy. This is the guy you ditched me for Evan? C'mon, what a downgrade. When you get a new friend they're supposed to be funnier than the old one," Jared jeers, and I feel Connor tense against the back of my shoulder.

"My bad, y'know, I didn't realize that being funny meant making gay jokes and borderline bullying," he spits, and a twisted smile appears on Jared's face, malice in his eye. He's so much more aggressive around Connor. 

"The two things you know the most about! Being gay and bullying." Connor pushes against my rigid shoulder, no doubt to do something he'd hopefully regret, but I push back. 

"Fuck you," he settles to say instead, and I can hear the hostility in his voice. Not that he's ever not been hostile towards Jared, but I feel the fight brewing.

"Jared, stop. It-it's not funny," I chastise feebly, and I sense the disbelief prickling through the pompous façade Jared thinks I can't tell he uses.

"Come on, you've always thought my jokes were funny! Has hanging around Murphy turned you into a buzzkill rather than a stoner?" he asks, and I can smell the smoke emanating from Connors fuming body.

"They... they were never funny. They were kinda hurtful, actually," I admit, and instead of disbelief he looks wounded. I shouldn't have said anything, now I'm the asshole. 

"Well, you always laughed! You, you wouldn't laugh if they weren't funny," Jared scorns, crossing his arms. 

"He laughed so you didn't make fun of him, dickwad," Connor bites. 

 Jared looks at me for confirmation, hurt written across his face. 

"I'm gonna be late." I push past Connor and retreat into the classroom. I don't have enough friends to spare to lose Jared.

"What? Hey!" he calls, but I'm gone.

 Briefly, I worry that Connor will call me back. Instead, he gives Jared a sarcastic salute before ducking into the room. "Bye, gremlin." The warning bell ringing is enough to drive Jared away, but I know this conversation isn't over.

"Thanks," I say when Connor sits down, chuckling.

"For what?"

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